wan-na find something?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

happy birthday, america!

with the ILs home for a visit, it was a very happy 4th of july.  and as we often do, we hosted a BBQ at the house of wan to celebrate.

i got up early to get started on some of the goodies for the day.  first up: pureeing the watermelon to make some delicious watermelon lemonade.

i also made a batch of red velvet brownies with white chocolate frosting.  yay for finding a reason to use my red, white & blue star sprinkles!

and because i was on a red velvet roll (and it was so pretty and festive), a batch of red velvet ice cream.  i tossed in some mini chocolate chips and swirled in cream cheese ice cream.

people.  if you have an ice cream maker, i highly, HIGHLY recommend you make this stuff.  it was worth the cost of the machine alone.  oh, so good.  and gone.  so sad.

i'd made the bean a special dress for the occasion that i found on pinterest.  i'm really pleased with how it turned out, although i made the mistake of not cleaning up the leftover materials before the hub got home.  "you cut up BRAND NEW clothes to make that??"  oy vey.  he didn't make a fuss when the teen chopped up a perfectly good tee that he'd bought her at old navy only the day before.  hmph.

i took the girls to downtown glendora for their 4th of july parade.  we got there just as it started, and damn - if you blinked, you missed it.  it was mostly city officials and a bunch of old cars.  oh, well.

the bean was captivated by the equestrian team - okay, really just a handful of folks on horses.

silly faces.

and then it was over.

much later, after we grilled these and chowed down on 'em like the carnivores we are:

we piled into the car and came here:

clowned around a little:

and enjoyed these.

all in all, 'twas a very lovely independence day.  a lovely day indeed.


  1. Love the look and sound of that watermelon lemonade! Glad that you all enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July. I'm getting the feeling that whenever you get together you always have a blast!

  2. LOVE the teen's red Tom's!

    I am salivating over the red velvet ice cream!

  3. This post made me think you live in the Midwest. LOL.


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from seoul back to tokyo

and just like that, our quickie trip to korea was over and we were back at the airport for an early morning flight back to tokyo. i love asi...