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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

gonna drive me to drink

the teen is oh-so-close to getting her driver's license!

last week, she finally got started on her official behind-the-wheel training with a licensed instructor.  oh, and i learned that all the practicing she's been doing over the last almost 6 months was totally illegal.  apparently, the permit isn't actually valid until the first session is over and the instructor has signed the darn thing.  oops.  luckily, she's a good driver and never did anything to attract the attention of local law enforcement.

despite what my friends said about preferring a crappy but unmarked car, the teen was pretty stoked to drive this rather gaudy but still way cool mini cooper.

i warned the instructor that i'd be taking a few pictures, and she laughed.  "most parents take a ton of pictures, and some of them bust out a video camera, too," she shared.  well, i wasn't gonna go that far, and really only took a few.  how many pictures of a car does one really need, anyway?

and then they were off.

she's already blazed through two of her three sessions, and her instructor thinks that she'll pass the test with flying colors.  we're both a little concerned about the parallel parking bit, although we learned that a decent attempt that's too far from the curb is only a 1-point markdown - but hitting the curb is an automatic fail. 

her last session is scheduled three days before DMV-day.  woohoo!  i'm so excited!  i'm so excited!  i'm so...SCARED.


  1. Hitting the curb means FAIL? Way harsh!

    Good luck to the teen!

  2. They make you parallel park on the driver's test?? I remember being terrified of having to do that, but then found out it wasn't on the driving test (I took mine in Pomona over a decade ago), so I didn't worry about learning it. But when I moved to SF for college I learned how to parallel park really quickly--it is a necessary skill there! :)

  3. I didn't have to parallel park during my test. I only had to back up straight or something stupid like that.

  4. i'm so excited! i'm so excited! i'm so...SCARED! Oh my gosh, I about died laughing! I have been stalking your blog for months - I absolutely LOVE it. Found you from a link on another blog. I have a daughter the bean's age :) anyway, just could not be anonymous anymore after the SBTB reference... awesome.

  5. A little jealous that teen gets to take her driving lessons in the car of my dreams!

    Best wishes to her on her final testing.


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...