wan-na find something?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

bring on the pixie dust

so yeah, i'm really doing this.  i'm signed up to run the tinker bell half marathon at disneyland with the autism speaks team.  and so i've been working on raising funds to help them in the research of autism, causes, cures, treatment, all that good stuff.

i'm on week 8 of the C25K program, which amazes the hell out of me.  i'm actually running for 28 minutes straight now, and today's run covered 3.17 miles with a pace of just over 11 minutes per mile.  can you believe that shit?  i still can't.

i talked about doing cookies as a fundraiser, and i'm excited to report that a good number of you have responded and placed orders already.  i'm so grateful for all of your support - both in the fundraiser and in just cheering me on.  it's awesome to have people like you behind me.

i'm just gonna throw this out there, because - well, i have to.  heh.  i'm going to be working like mad on raising the rest of the cash for my charity, and figured i'd put it here in case anyone else was interested in helping me get to my goal.  as of right now, there are three ways to do just that:

  • place an order for cookies.  i'm doing custom sugar cookies by the dozen for $35 - this includes individual wrapping and color-coordinated ribbon, shipping and handling.  the order can be for a future delivery - like, say, if you want to order some for the upcoming holidays.  just drop me an e-mail and we'll discuss details.
  • order a crayon roll for $25.  yes, this is slightly higher priced than similar ones you can find on etsy and other places, but it's all going to charity.  ya dig?  here's an example of the one i keep in my purse.  it comes in so handy for when we're out at restaurants with the bean:

  •  if you're feeling particularly generous, or maybe autism is a cause that's near and dear to your heart, you can simply donate any amount via my personal page.  the site takes all sorts of credit cards - even amex and discover!  yay!
i'm also grateful for happy running vibes, thoughts, prayers, words of support.  those are always very much appreciated.

oh, and hey - you can weigh in on my debate with myself over whether or not to wear a costume or at least some sparkly wings while i run.  come on - it's a half marathon at disneyland.  where else can i yuk it up and get super silly?


  1. Dude, every time I try to donate, I have trouble with the site. I will try again tonight on my hubby's computer.

    YOU ROCK!!

  2. I'm totally going to donate to your cause, but it's going to be a few weeks (maybe even a month or so) as we seem to be hemorrhaging money after this move, for deposits, etc.

  3. Running 13 miles sounds hard enough. Do you really want to decrease your aerodynamics by adding more stuff to your body? :P

  4. Im with Weezermonkey and if you get all the Hello Kitty shoes and clothes wont that be costume enough?


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...