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Thursday, September 15, 2011

WFC - wan's fried chicken

a couple of years ago, i had the chance to review a cookbook that offered recipes that clone signature dishes of chain restaurants from coast to coast.  i've actually made a handful of recipes out of it since that first try, too.  there's all sorts of good stuff in there from appetizers to dessert.

so when i got an e-mail from the publisher that offered me the chance to review a new version of the book, i jumped right on it.  and i was excited to receive my copy just two days later.

i thumbed through it, made mental notes of things that caught my eye, set it aside, and promptly forgot about it for about two weeks.  heh.

and then i got hit with a craving for some fried chicken.  i love homemade fried chicken, but it's such a mess and a pain in the ass to make.  but then i remembered seeing a recipe for KFC in this book, and it was baked - so it'd not only be easier, but healthier too.  bonus!

i gathered all the spices that the recipe called for:

yeah, there's only 9 there.  the colonel's recipe has a magical 13, but there were only 11 listed in this one.  i didn't have any marjoram and didn't bother to take a picture of my pepper shaker.  i threw everything together and marveled at the sheer volume of spices in my bowl.

after soaking my chicken in an egg & buttermilk mixture and then rolling it in the spice mixture, i sprayed it with a little pam and baked it for about half an hour or so.

while it wasn't exactly like the original, it had a great flavor and was super moist (yes, i do despise that word, except when it's being used to describe food).  i saved the leftover spices, too, because i'm thrifty like that.  i even remembered to label the ziploc i stored it in, so i wouldn't forget what was in it.  i have a handful of mystery baggies in the cupboard that i can't seem to remember what they're for.  you'd think i'd just toss 'em and get it over with, but i hate the idea of wasting stuff.  although i suppose they're going to waste just sitting there, unloved and unused.  hmmm.

in any case, i'll be referring back to this cookbook for more yummy stuff - i've bookmarked a recipe for potato soup and reese's peanut butter cake.  there's a significant difference in calories vs. the first version of the book, so the hub will be happy that i'm trying to keep us healthy.

total win-win.


  1. I do the same thing w/ extra spices, but just want to make sure... did you save the extra spices after the raw chicken was in it? I'd definitely toss that.

  2. Ha! I had the same thought as aria. Ewwww. Did you use boneless chicken? Just wondering...

  3. The chicken looks good. Just curious, did the recipe say to bake or deep fry it? I noticed you baked it.

  4. toss ALL the baggies.

    and that looks good.

    clutter hater (had my haterade this morning)


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