wan-na find something?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

wrapping it up

the winner of my auction for #afundforjennie is alex!  thank you so much - i'll drop you an e-mail with the details. 

our final morning of camping was full of nothing but packing and cleaning up. well, there was a lotta silliness, too.  you'll see.

the bean tried to hide when i told her i was taking her into the shower with me.  it didn't work.

then she chased the birds and bunnies around one last time before i finally got her to go with me.

too bad for both of us - the water didn't warm up very much, and she made her displeasure quite clear.  the teen and rock-ell could hear her screaming bloody murder all the way back in the tent.

i managed to gather everyone together for a group shot before the hub started taking the tent down.

of course, he first rolled up the sleeping bags meticulously and then swept the floor clean before rolling it back up.  he's such a boy scout.

meanwhile, the girls were instrumental in keeping the bean (and each other) occupied.

you know i had to get in on some of the picture-taking action, in all my bad-hair-because-blow-dryers-don't-belong-at-campsites glory.

we were in no big hurry to get back home, where the temperatures were a good 25 degrees higher than where we were.  despite the fact that traffic would be horrid, we stopped at the camarillo premium outlets to kill some time and do a little shopping.  but it was too close to my birthday for me to sweet-talk the hub into letting me make any actual purchases at either of these fabulous shops:

bummer.  but it's cool - only 17 days left till my birthday!


  1. Your family truly seems to have so much fun together. It's nice to see and I enjoy reading about it.

  2. You and those knee socks are the highlight of my morning. Adorbs.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...