wan-na find something?

Monday, October 10, 2011

rainbowlicious, the short version

i am exhausted from the rainbow birthday party, y'all.  i seriously have just enough energy for my mani/pedi with MIL and the teen...and to share a few teasers.  i'm sad that i was so busy during the actual shindig that i didn't get a lot of pictures that i would've liked - the kids in the bouncer, my friends who came out to party, shots of the fun activities.  bummer.  next year, i'm saving up to hire a photographer to come and document the party for us.  of course, i've said that next year will be much less partyzilla'd out...but then again, it'll be her 5th.  who am i kidding here?

the birthday girl herself:

yes, this is a batch of rainbow rice krispy treats.  and yes, i am insane.

i'm giving nanette the credit for finding this on pinterest:

lastly, a peek at the rainbowtastic dessert bar.

full-blown recap post to come soon.  yay for rainbows!


  1. I love it!! I want a rainbow party :D Can't wait to see the full recap!

  2. awesome!! can't wait to hear about it ALL !!! yay for rainbows!

  3. i'm so glad i got to see you all, even if it meant me being the last one to arrive, last one to leave! LOVE YOU!

  4. Awww the Bean looks so cute! I'm so, so sad that I missed this party. Happy birthday, Bean!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...