wan-na find something?

Friday, November 4, 2011

breathing easy

thanks to the folks at oreck, i happily accepted delivery of this bad boy yesterday:

but because i was busy with a ginormous batch of cookies, it fell to the hub to crack it open and get it set up.  unlike my uber fantastical bissell steam & sweep, it required zero assembly.  lucky duck.  and in no time, it was sitting in our living room sucking in air, filtering out the bad stuff, and blowing out clean, pure air.  ah, i feel healthier already.  plus it looks cool, right?

so, yes - this is my way of saying that i'll be posting a review of it in a few weeks, after we've had a chance to let it do its thing.  and because i love you so much, i managed to wrangle a second air purifier to do a giveaway!  sweet, right?

hmmmm, i wonder what i'll make you do to win.  this is gonna be fun.  heh.


  1. I'm very curious to see what you think of it, as I am looking to buy one soon (my husband is preparing for a stem cell transplant and we can't even open the windows for a month after he has it, unless he's wearing a hepa mask...need something to clean up the air!).

  2. ooh this one's cuter than the ones my mom has all over her house.

    can't wait to see your review since i always tell my mom i think her air filters have a placebo effect on her. =X

  3. Yes please let us know how you like this. I want to get one for MIL. This is way cooler than my black tower.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...