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Monday, November 28, 2011

a team green shower

after my 5K run, the next item on my agenda for the day was my dear friend diane's baby shower.  i skipped the awards ceremony (after all, if i didn't win, do you think i really cared?  psh) and hit the shower with just an hour to pull myself together.  lilcee was coming to carpool with me, and i didn't want to be late.

except that as i was finishing up my hair, i heard voices coming from the bean's room and realized that i was running behind after all.  d-oh!  but as i was working the flatiron magic on my 'do, lilcee popped in and one look told me that all was not well.

"i'm not going," she said.  "i've been so sick and i've gotta get to urgent care for some meds."  poop, i felt so bad for her - she'd driven all the way out to my house just to drop off the gifts that a few of us had pitched in for.  if i'd have known she was ill, i'd have gone to her, instead of vice versa.  she's such a trooper.

our friends APK and AMP had worked together and planned this whole shindig, choosing the old spaghetti factory as our venue.  OSF is one of my favorite chains, and i was looking forward to a yummy lunch with a bunch of my favorite people.

i'd chosen to wear my new nude platform pumps, which went nicely with my ensemble but weren't broken in at all.  i must've looked ridiculous, hobbling in to the party with my camera over one shoulder and juggling two giant gift bags and a third bag containing the cookie favors.  and as soon as i put the bags down, courtney snagged me to take a picture for the guest book. 

(i totally swiped this picture from courtney's facebook page)

you'd think i could've put my shit down and taken my bulky sweater off first, but i was just so relieved to have arrived on time and without breaking anything.  i'd anticipated being late due to that 5K, but somehow i managed. 

the hostesses had done a lovely job of decorating and adding some special touches for the mommy-to-be's scrapbook.

our friend yahpee did a phenomenal job with the cake.  so cute, right?

here's my cookies.  these little baby faces are among my favorites to make.  they always make me smile.

i managed to secure myself a spot at a table with some fabulous ladies.  i always appreciate when servers are willing to take a picture for us, but damn...super fuzzy.

when i caught sight of this lovely looking coffee spiked with bailey's, i had to order one for myself.

too bad they ran out of the cute mugs by the time i got mine.

see that gold star?  that meant i was getting the best entree on the menu - pasta with their yummilicious browned butter/mizithra cheese sauce.

the guest of honor came around to all of the tables. 

while we enjoyed dessert - spumoni ice cream and a piece of that adorable cake - diane opened gifts and we played a little baby shower bingo.

from lilcee to diane, a special gift.

group photo (also swiped from courtney.  thanks, yo)!

it was a lovely afternoon, and mini-diane is already so loved by all of [his or] her aunties.  she opted for a surprise on her labor day, but somehow i'm feeling team pink for this one.  no particular reason, although so many of our friends have had boys this year and i think diane's the one to break the streak.

come january, we'll see!  can't wait!


  1. I'm thinking team pink also!

    I'm glad you were at our table :-) GOOD TIMES!

  2. You are both wrong.

    Diane is going to give birth to Winnie the Pooh.

  3. I can see Diane giving birth to Rabbit.

    (jk...Team Pink)

    I'm so glad you were at our table, too!

  4. This team green shower is great and all were having fun.Pooh Baby Shower


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...