wan-na find something?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

more biscoffin'

this episode of "wan wings it in the kitchen" is one that's been brewing in my head for a couple of weeks.  i don't really know why i waited so long to try it out, but i am super stoked that i finally did because it was one of the most delicious experiments i've ever done.

now, you know i've become a ridiculously ginormous fan of biscoff spread.  the stuff is magical, people.  i was so excited to find that my local fresh & easy carries it now, too, and i really hope that the trader joe's version isn't just a seasonal item for the holidays.  anyway, i decided that the fantastic flavor needed to be incorporated into a pancake.


like my red velvet pancakes, i didn't use any precise measurements.  like, at all.  and i was shooting for a very small batch as the bean was already chowing on some scrambled eggs and we were the only ones home at the time.  so it was seriously a scoop of pancake mix (yes, i totally cheat and use the add-water kind instead of making it from scratch), a splash of vanilla extract, a dollop of the precious spread, and enough water to make the batter gooey to my liking.  i personally prefer thinner, chewy pancakes vs. the thick fluffy kind.

as she bounced back and forth between bits of egg and watching me cook, the bean demanded to have her picture taken.  you don't have to ask me twice.

so anyway, i didn't want to use regular ol' maple syrup on these.  i wanted to enhance the biscoff flavor that i knew would be fairly subtle in the pancakes.  and so i decided to throw together a glaze - again, a dollop of spread, a little powdered sugar, and a dash of cream.  i stirred it together in a small saucepan and cooked it over a low flame until the spread was melted and the whole concoction thickened nicely.

i poured a bit of the batter into my hot pan, and watched for the bubbles.  i really love cooking pancakes - so easy, and the flipping part is my favorite.

amazingly, i'd managed to make just the right amount of batter.  i always make too much or not enough, but today the pancake gods were smiling down on me.  or maybe it was the biscoff gods.  perhaps the kitchen experimentation gods?  whoever it was, thank you.  because look, pretty!

my first bite damn near made me clench my butt cheeks together in happiness.  but i'd just sweated through a workout, so i was too sore for that.

what the hell, i think i can give fairly accurate measurements.  if you've made pancakes before, you'll know what the batter should look like.  it's not exactly rocket science.  here goes:

biscoff pancakes with glaze for one:

2/3 cup instant pancake mix
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
scant 1/4 cup biscoff spread


1/3 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup biscoff spread
1/4 cup heavy cream (yes, the good stuff.  don't skimp on this, why bother?)

make the glaze first.  stir everything together in a small saucepan over low heat until the spread melts and everything is nice and happy-looking.  don't allow it to boil.  i don't know what would happen if you did, but it's probably not a good idea.  keep stirring as it cooks until it gets to the consistency you want.  mine was kind of the same thickness as shampoo.  but it doesn't taste like shampoo.  it tastes like liquid heaven. 

so anyway, uh...mix the pancake ingredients together with a whisk.  a small one, if you have it.  start out with 1/4-1/2 cup of water and see how it turns out - if it ends up too thin, toss in a little more pancake mix.  if it's too thick, add a little more water till you like how it looks.  heat a nonstick pan or griddle over medium heat and melt a little butter in it if you like that sort of thing (i do, because butter is good).  you can check if the pan is ready by sprinkling a few drops of water in it.  if it sizzles, you're good to go.  pour some batter in and watch for the edges to dry and bubbles to appear.  flip.  fun, right?  if you're feeling generous, you can make small pancakes and share them.  but i wouldn't blame you if you hid in the closet and hoarded them all for your own bad self.  not one bit.

now pour the glaze on and get ready for the awesomeness that is biscoff pancakes. 

oh, and making these results in the kitchen (and if you're lucky, the whole damn house) smelling absolutely divine.  you can thank me later.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...