wan-na find something?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

she's fresh. exciting.

my friend kelley and i are taking our kids to see the fresh beat band in concert next month.  i'm not sure if she's told li'l d yet, but i haven't shared it with the bean yet.  and whenever we watch nick jr. (which is every. stinking. day), the commercial advertising the tickets inevitably comes on - and then i have to duck her excited queries: "mooooom, look! is the fresh beat band gonna come here?  where we live?  can we go see them on the stage?"

i don't really know why i'm keeping it from her.  it's gonna be great for bribing her to do [insert random act she doesn't want to do] between now and february.  yes, i'm a fabulous mom who totally holds shit over her kids' heads to get them to do stuff.  hand me my tiara and trophy now.

and so even though i haven't actually confirmed that we've got tickets in hand for the concert, she hasn't really questioned me as to why i've been working on a costume for her to wear.  there are two girls in the band, and because "kiki" has long, dark hair like the bean's, well - that's who she's going to dress up as for the show.  see?

i finally sat down this weekend and whipped out the first part of the ensemble - kiki's hot pink zip-up hoodie.  it's actually quite simple, but of course i managed to turn it into something complicated as hell.  heh.  i'd picked up a plain sweatshirt at target, along with some colored felt to make the patches for the front and back.  and then using a free printable i found via pinterest, i made a stencil for the guitar, traced it onto the white felt, and cut it out in two sizes.

yeah, it was kind of a pain in the ass to cut around those tiny curves on the small one.  and then when i looked at the "real" kiki, it isn't even the right kind of guitar.  bah.  whatever.

oh, and i'm terrible at cutting circles.  but at least i had a spool of thread in my collection that matched perfectly.  bonus!

next i had to shorten the sleeves and replace the stretchy cuff.  i totally held my breath as i sliced into the first sleeve with my scissors, because it's just so weird to chop up perfectly good clothing.  and then i had a slight panic attack when i realized that the cuff was smaller than the upper part of the sleeve that i had to sew it to.  crap.

but i managed to figure it out and got both sleeves done to my satisfaction.  and the bean was pretty stoked when she tried it on for me.

all i have to do now is make the skirt with a little petticoat underneath.  she can wear it with a pair of leggings she already has, a plain tee under the jacket, and we'll find her a pink headband to wear.

oh, and the rock star jacket.  ha!  wait till i tell you the story of THAT thing.  geez.


  1. I love it! We are taking Kennedy and need to figure out how to make something for her to wear. It will be exciting!

  2. Love this! She's going to have such a great time.

  3. You did a terrific job! I just googles for inspiration to make my little girl an outfit like KiKi and found yours. Very very cool!


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...