wan-na find something?

Friday, January 27, 2012

well, this is it.

today i head down to disneyland hotel to pick up my official race bib and goody bag for the tinkerbell half marathon.  the very first race of its kind!  i'm stoked to be in on something that nobody's gotten to do before.  i'm an elitist beeyotch like that. 

i can't believe that i only started running five months ago.  that's pretty amazing to me, because honestly - it feels like forever.  it probably doesn't help that i've been rather burned out and just ready to do this thing already.  the last month of training has been really difficult for me, but i think it's a mental thing.  don't get me wrong, i'm definitely not about to get out there on sunday morning and run the whole 13.1 miles.  i'm sure that with the distraction of other runners, a whole new course, not to mention all of the fun things i've been hearing that disney does every mile or so, i'll be taking even more walk breaks than i already do.  advice from more than one friend has told me to try and relax during on the big day and not to worry so much about my finish time.  although i know me, i'll totally be bummed out if i'm not able to maintain my 11-ish minute/mile pace.

i'm so, so, so grateful for all of the support i've received throughout this whole thing - via my "real life" friends, social media buddies, blog readers.  i can't tell you how helpful it's been, and it's really kept me going through the days that i just didn't want to go out there and run (and there have been MANY of those).  and i am oh-so-thankful to those of you who helped me reach my fundraising goal for the autism speaks running team.

so now i get to go to the disneyland health & fitness expo and hopefully keep myself from splurging on all of the fun tinkerbell-themed merchandise that's going to be on display.  well, maybe i'll let myself scoop up an "i did it!" tee, because you know how much i love me a souvenir t-shirt.  heh.

i'm also pretty excited to finally put on the costume i've been slowly gathering items for over the last couple of months.  sparkly skirt?  check.  matching wings?  oh, yeah.  glittery headband?  uh-huh.  pom-poms for my shoes?  psh, of course.  don't forget the awesome fanny pack i managed to cobble together for myself.  although i'm certainly not kidding myself - i know for damn sure i'm going to be just one of 12,000 similarly-attired runners out on the course.  but i'll be the cutest.  hee!

i know that my friends aline and kim have made plans to come and cheer me and our friend kirkette on at some point on the course.  i also dropped a major hint to my buddy kelley, who's been instrumental in getting my ass in gear and working on my fitness.  it sounds like she, her husband g, and li'l d may be there as well.  i'm really excited and touched to know that they're going to make the effort to be there for us.  and of course, my little family plus rock-ell will be present too.

oh mah gah, i'm going to be such an emotional, blubbery mess at the end of this thing.  remember when i finished that 5K a few months ago?  yikes.  i better pack waterproof mascara.

not that i really think you're all that interested, but disney has a system set up that you can sign up for to receive text messages/e-mails/tweets/facebook posts on my progress through the run.  if you want the link, just e-mail me and i'll give you the info.   and hey - if you happen to be in the anaheim area around 8am on sunday morning, well...i sure wouldn't turn my nose up at any extra cheerleaders.  ha.

plus, i got to scoop up a new pair of running shoes a couple of weeks ago that totally match my ensemble.  check it:

eeeee!  and i've got an appointment to get my nails done - the plan is to paint the tips in a glittery lime green.  cheesy?  abso-freaking-lutely.  but this is a DISNEY race.  where else can i get away with such silliness?

oh, and uh...speaking of disney races, registration for the disneyland half marathon this september officially began last week.  while i tried my best to talk myself out of it (sucky training runs through the summer, more long runs in my not-so-distant future, etc.), i...um, i might have signed up for it. 

come on!  now i get to plan a whole new costume, and this time it's open to ANY disney character i darn well want to dress up as.  whee!

so yeah - send me lots of happy running vibes come sunday morning at 6am!  i'm gonna need all i can get.


  1. I hopefully won't be up that early on Sunday, so...good luck! I'm sure you'll do great (:

  2. Good luck! Looking forward to hearing all about it! And seeing the awesome costume you described! :)


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...