wan-na find something?

Friday, February 3, 2012

breathing easy - GIVEAWAY CLOSED

edited to add:  winner of the oreck air purifier posted here. 

okay, so when people do reviews on stuff they get for free, it always seems like they're just being nice because - well, they got free shit.  right?

and that's my way of telling you that i'm about to dazzle you with a review on a product that i was given at no cost to me.  full disclosure here, people.  and yes, i do feel kind of obligated to be super nice about it because, well, i got something for free.  but at the same time, i don't wanna be a sellout like that.

except that in this case, i really don't have anything bad to say.  when the social media rep at oreck contacted me about testing out one of their newest products in exchange for a review on the bloggy-blog, i was all like "hell yes, i'm in!"  because, as i've said before, i love me a freebie.  but i'll admit it:  i wasn't all that stoked when i found out that what i'd be getting wasn't one of their world-famous vacuum cleaners...i was going to be reviewing an air purifier.

you're thinking, wah waaaaaah.  right?  so was i, but then i realized that hey! who cares, i get to try something out and keep it - and give one away to one of you guys (more on that later) - plus, this thing has a retail value of $499.99.  sah-weet!

so i was excited when UPS dropped this off late one evening:

"what the hell is that?" the hub wanted to know.  and as i went about my business, getting dinner ready, he took on the task of unpacking the thing and figuring out how to get it set up.

i thought it was pretty cool, actually.  kind of space-y looking, and very sleek.

we set it up right next to the dining room and turned it on.  it came to life immediately, and the light inside the round opening went from a light blue to a deep purple.  i wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

the hub, having skimmed through the quickstart guide, said that the color of the light is an indicator of how bad the air is that it's sucking in and filtering through.  and since i'd been cooking in the not-too-far-away kitchen, it made sense that it was working a little extra hard.

we've had it for quite a while now (actually, this review is quite a bit overdue - sorry, chelsea!), and i actually have noticed a difference.  before, when i was at work in the kitchen, the aroma of whatever i was cooking or baking would waft throughout the entire house.  it's actually made to work in a room up to 248 square feet, but it seems to keep the smells to a minimum.  it doesn't make a whole lot of noise, and although an air purifier wasn't necessarily something high on my list of priorities, i'm glad we have it.  the bean doesn't sneeze as much inside the house as she used to, and that's a good thing.

the hub accused me of standing in front of it and ripping one when the light turned an angry red once:

i will neither admit nor deny.  heh.  but i can tell you that if there were any suspicious odors that caused the angry red light to come on, you sure couldn't tell after a few seconds.  you know, IF anything had happened in that instance. 

and now, for the fun part - you, too, can be the proud owner of an oreck air purifier of your very own!  first, here's some boring information that i'm required to provide: 
  • you must be a resident of the 48 contiguous states in the U.S.  sorry, alaska, hawaii and oh, the rest of the world.  these aren't my rules.  i got mad love for all of you.
  • again, i was given my airinstinct air purifier by oreck corporation at no cost to me.
  • oreck corporation is providing the prize for this giveaway, but is not the sponsor.  that would be me.
  • you have from right this minute until next friday, february 10th at 11:59 pm PST to enter.  i'll announce the winner on monday, february 13th.
  • winner will be drawn via my friend random.org.
cool?  we good?  okay.  now there's one thing that you have to, must absolutely, positively do in order to be eligible to win:
  • i need you to visit oreck.com and tell me (in a comment below) one thing you learned about the airinstinct.  kind of like homework, but not really.  but this is the one thing you really have to do in order to be entered in this giveaway.  plus, make sure you leave me a way to get ahold of you.  your e-mail address will only be used for the purpose of contacting you in regards to this giveaway.  if random.org picks you, i send you an e-mail, and i don't hear back from you by friday, february 17th at 5:00 pm PST, i'll pick a new winner.  don't let that happen to you.  that would be sad.
and after that's done, here's a few different ways that you can sneak in bonus entries to better your chances of purifying your own gassy odors with your very own oreck airinstinct:
  • follow @oreck on twitter.
  • tweet a link to this blog post.  be sure to mention me (@luvbabyb) and @oreck in the tweet.
  • "like" oreck on facebook.
  • share a link to this blog post via facebook.
  • sign up for oreck's e-mail list by clicking on "sign up for e-mail" in the top navigation bar and entering your e-mail address.
  • with each of these extra chances, make sure you leave me another comment here to let me know you did [insert bonus entry method here].
simple, right?  now, off with you.  go on, learn about the airinstinct and then earn those bonus entries!  spread the word!  whee!


  1. Learned that the Oreck air purifier is smart, powerful, quiet and effective.

  2. It looks like a big iPhone! Um, per the website, it's energy efficient. Good enough?

  3. Mentioned @luvbaby and @oreck in the tweet.

  4. I learned that "its unique PATH™ (Pre-filter, Anti-odor, True HEPA) filtration system, continuously checks particles in the air passing through its sensor and adjusts its air flow speed accordingly."

  5. Signed up for email list at oreck.com

  6. Turn it on and walk away!

    See, I went to the website and learned stuff :)

    rissa in the sky at the gmail

  7. I learned that its three-stage PATH system reduces odors and captures 99.97% of the particles (as small as .3 microns) from the air that pass through its filters.


  8. I hopped over to oreck to check out this air purifier. I learned that it is energy-star qualified, which is great because pg&e is outrageous when it comes to energy costs in the central valley. I also learned that it helps clear away dander in the air...which we have from mr.jiggles...it would be awesome to breath easy!
    Email me at nestjigs@gmail.com

  9. I tweeted about your blog and this givaway.
    Email me at nestjigs@gmail.com :)

  10. I'm following @oreck on twitter now!
    Email me at nestjigs@gmail.com :)

  11. I liked oreck on facebook!
    Email me at nestjigs@gmail.com :)

  12. I also posted a link to this post on my facebook page! Weeeeeee!!!
    Email me at nestjigs@gmail.com :)

  13. Yes, it works on pet dander! I neeeeeeed it!

  14. I love that it gets rid of 99.97% of pet dander. With a dog and cat that shed like crazy, this will be awesome to have.

  15. I now Like Oreck on FB! Pick me, pick me!

  16. I signed up to receive emails from Oreck. (And now that SGK is donating money to PP again, I'm glad that Oreck will donate money to SGK.)

  17. I posted this on my FB page. You can reach me at nest dot womet at gmail.com

  18. I learned that:

    The Oreck AirInstinct 200 is smart. It actually monitors the dust, pollen and smoke in the air passing through the sensor with its APS™ (Automatic Particulate Sensor) technology. Based on what the APS detects, it turns the air purifier from low to medium to high (automatically, so you don’t wonder what setting to use), and pulls more air in through its fan.* The four-color lighting system tells you that it’s working, pushing cleaner air back into the room.


  19. I just signed up to receive e-mail


  20. I learned that the Oreck AirInstinct
    air purifier has an A3 Filter. (Anti-allergy, anti-dust, anti-odor filter reduces allergens, dust, odors and VOC’s from the air that passes through the filter.) Awesome! I'm allergic to dust and nature, so this would be amazing!

  21. I thought the filter price was pretty high until I realized it lasts for 3 years!

  22. I learned it is good for rooms up to almost 250 square feet.

    gretchenstares at gmail.com

  23. I learned about this amazing machines ability to automatically detect what setting it should be on by checking the air quality in your home. Hello! Fabulous. And it looks so cool. A far cry from the old mini-a/c unit we used to have sitting in the living room, whirring like an airplane about to take off. My older home is lovely, but super dusty even with expensive filters, so my sneezy dust allergic kids would love it!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I also liked them on Facebook:)

  26. I learned that it adjusts the air flow speed according to the air that passes through it!:)I also have 2 other posts with unknown name on it.

  27. It has a five year limited warranty! And turns many pretty colors.

  28. it has built in child safety features

  29. I posted a link on twitter and mentioned you

  30. It captures 99.97% of dust, allergens, smoke, pet dander and pollen which is great for a weak-lunged, asthmatic like me! Hook a sister up, yo! :)

  31. Oh and my email is wendi@wendisolari.com!

  32. I learned that there are features that make it safe for kids, which in my head must make it safe for my curious dog. :-P

    This is really a fantastic giveaway!

    niftyfoodie at gmail dot com

  33. I learned it "captures 99.97% of dust, allergens, smoke, pet dander and pollen at .3 microns from the air that passes through its filter". Wow!

  34. Learned that it has a 5 year limited warranty :-)

  35. I learned that the air inside my house might be 5x more polluted than outside. Yikes! CalligraphyByConnie@gmail.com

  36. Liked Oreck on FB. Calligraphybyconnie@gmail.com

  37. I signed up for their email list. Great giveaway! Calligraphybyconnie@gmail.com.

  38. I learned that it automatically adjusts its speed based on how hard it has to work. I would love one of these!

  39. I learned that it captures 99.97% of dust, allergens, smoke, pet dander and pollen at .3 microns from the air that passes through its filter! Yay! You know how to reach me.

  40. I learned that it has a 3 year filter. That is a long time.

  41. I learned that it is energy star qualified.

  42. I also signed up for emails. I didn't tell you how to contact me: myblackfriend at myblackfriendsays dot com that is not the email i signed up for emails with, but perhaps i'm getting ahead of myself.

  43. Tweeted link to your blog post & tagged you and Oreck

  44. I learned that it's got great child proofing. That it will turn itself off if the front panel is removed. That is great in a household with curious little 8-month-old hands that ours has!

    globugbb at aol dot com

  45. I liked Oreck on facebook!


    globugbb at aol dot com

  46. I signed up for Oreck emails!


    globugbb at aol dot com

  47. I love how the oreck purifier is energy efficient especially since we are in an energy crisis in California.

  48. from the site, i learned that this thing is damn sexy for an air purifier! glad domestic household small appliance guys are finally paying attention to design like their european counterparts.

    but really, i learned that the color indicates speed of airflow, which in turn indicates how many particles are in your air, which is how the smart cookie figures out to self-adjust its airflow speed.

  49. tweeted about this entry. (from my public account. i don't think you follow me there.)

  50. I love the sleek design and that you just turn it on and walk away. I learned that it was built with kids in mind and that safety is key. Perfect for curious fingers trying to open up panels. Automatic shut off system a must!

  51. I signed up for oreck's e-mail list.

  52. the filter system adjusts speeds automatically! thanks for sharing. trlfan1 at hotmail dot com

  53. I learned that it: "Captures 99.97% of dust, allergens, smoke, pet dander and pollen at .3 microns from the air that passes through its filter"

    Thanks! lovefateinc at gmail dot com

  54. When the front panel of the purifier is opened the unit automatically switches itself off because it has child safety in mind!

  55. It has Automatic Particulate Sensor technology. Which I assume is what sensed your poo particles IF you did in fact toot in front of it.

  56. I learned that it's whisper quiet and can even provide white noise.

  57. I learned that it has a child safety protection on it, which automatically shuts the unit off once the cover is opened. Seems like a much safer alternative to an Ozone generator. [I have liked this on facebook, posted a link to your Blog, and signed up for the e-mail list] invade my e-mail isn't listed with my account, its lup3.120@gmail.com

  58. I learned it filters in three stages: first it filters the larger stuff (particles), next it filters organic compounds - smells and oders, and then last it captures with a HEPA filter it grans the allergens in the air, including dust and smoke.

  59. I posted on facebook http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=278233825576123&id=100001156831237

  60. tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/rusthawk/status/167855790252752896

  61. I learned that it is effective, and isn't that the most important thing? :)

  62. I learned that the AirInstinct self-adjusts. SO NICE.

  63. I'm following Oreck on Twitter as the_little_deer

  64. I signed up for their email.

    THANKS VERY MUCH FOR HOSTING. It would be a godsend to win since I am preg and work in a chemistry building that is under construction. Every day I am exposed to weird and probably dangerous odors. I'd love to be able to fight back!

  65. I learned that it has a 3 year HEPA filter!! That's awesome!!


  66. I learned that the filter can be washed with water and never needs replacing.

  67. I learned that the Oreck's HEPA filter lasts for three years! And catches 99.97% of all the junk in our air... like dust, allergens, smoke, pet dander and pollen!

    cara . decoito at gmail dot com

  68. Following @Oreck on Twitter ... @Kawvalleycloth
    cara . decoito at gmail dot com

  69. Tweeted link to the blog post


    cara . decoito at gmail dot com

  70. Like Oreck on Facebook
    fb name Cara D E C O I T O (all together)

    cara . decoito at gmail dot com

  71. Shared link via Facebook
    Cara D E C O I T O (all together)

    cara . decoito at gmail dot com

  72. Signed up for Oreck's email list

    cara . decoito at gmail dot com

  73. I learned that it has a 5 year limited warranty! That's pretty good!

  74. Followed oreck on twitter! @jupitershana

  75. I tweeted the giveaway! https://twitter.com/#!/jupitershana/status/168066513885073408

  76. posted on FB! http://www.facebook.com/shana.king/posts/320217281361739

  77. I learned the Oreck can be whisper quiet gon low setting or it can provide white noise if you wish. That would be great in a bedroom, even better sleep!


  78. I follow @oreck on twitter. @chrisdeglen


  79. @chrisdeglen tweeted:



  80. I Oreck you on Facebook. Debbie Christie


  81. I shared on Facebook



  82. I am on Oreck's email list.


  83. I learned that it is energy star certified, which is important to me from both an environmental and a cost perspective!
    mprimack at gmail dot com

  84. I follow Oreck on Twitter (momUNblogger) mprimack at gmail dot com

  85. I tweeted about the giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/momUNblogger/status/168133593963560963

    mprimack at gmail dot com

  86. I like Oreck on Facebook mprimack at gmail dot com

  87. I signed up for Oreck's email list
    mprimack at gmail dot com

  88. I learned that the unit shuts itself off automatically when the front panel is opened. Safety first, especially when there are curious little hands around! :)

  89. ...aaaaand last but not least, I signed up for oreck's emails!

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/CantConcentrate/status/168203386032885761

  92. I like that you don't have to pick a speed - it does it for you! @cantconcentrate

  93. Liked Oreck on Facebook! (@cantconcentrate)

  94. I learned that is has a nifty Child Safety feature! SO necessary!

    hhaenlein at gmail.com

  95. I follow oreck on Twitter---@lifewiththehux

  96. tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/lifewiththehux/status/170529504979206144


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...