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Thursday, April 19, 2012

faded glory

well, now that easter is way, way behind us (i swear, the time just flies by faster and faster the older i get), i had to take down the super fun peeps wreath i'd made and hung on the front door.  so sad.

i know that a few of you had expressed doubts about this particular decorative piece, fearing bugs and birds and other critters on my behalf.  which, by the way, was sweet.  i'm touched that you care so much.  and this particular experiment has a happy ending.

that sealer spray that i'd used so generously on the marshmallow treats worked like a charm.  and despite the initial problem i'd had of peep-i-cide every time we opened and closed the door, after a few days they'd settled in nicely for their two-week stay.  the worst thing that they had to face was the rainstorms we enjoyed during that time - see, the colors faded quite a bit.  before:

and after.

since i'd impaled each peep with a toothpick to stick it to the wreath base, i decided i could just pull 'em right off and reuse the base for a new design.  and i'm torn between being impressed and uber grossed out by this fact:  the peeps were still soft.

after about 5 minutes of gleefully yanking those sticky things off, i was left with this:

the final resting place.  r.i.p., my friends.

so now i'm on the lookout for a fun new spring-y design for the wreath.  got any suggestions?


  1. what about the one that is made up of tiny drink
    umbrellas ad then maybe hang a W middle?

  2. I was hoping you'd say that you ate them after you discovered they were still soft.

  3. there's a cute spring umbrella one floating around on pinterest. I think it's filled with flowers.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...