wan-na find something?

Monday, July 23, 2012

calling all local party people!

the teen and i have been fundraising since mid-may for our upcoming avon 2-day walk for breast cancer now, and we're just about halfway to our goal.  we've sent out e-mails, blasted out a link to our page via twitter and facebook, and lots of our friends and family have responded with generous donations to our cause.  i've also managed to fulfill a good number of cookie orders, with a handful of pending ones coming up within the next few weeks.

but we've still got a long way to go.  and now we have something else that we're working on to help us raise more money - a mani/pedi party at bellacures nail salon in pasadena.

after trading a handful of e-mails with the bellacures management staff, the teen and i headed out after dropping off the bean at school to check out the space.  i've been to the beverly hills location once before (yikes, that was in 2007??) and this one is just as nice.  it's in a cool-looking brick building in old town pasadena's mills alley.

the shop is a great size - modern and sleek, with pretty chandeliers that caught the teen's eye the moment she walked in.

the shop's manager was super friendly and answered all of our questions as she explained how they typically do private parties.  there's lots of super comfy chairs, and most of the layout can be easily rearranged to suit whatever's required for the event.

we've decided to ask for a $20 donation at the door, and then attendees can choose from their extensive menu.  we're going to bring in snacks and drinks, provide some fun swag bags for everyone, and if we can finagle some fun stuff from surrounding businesses, there'll also be a raffle/silent auction-type thingy.  oh, and the best part?  bellacures is donating 10% of all services for the duration of the shindig  to avon on our behalf!

our date is set for saturday, august 11th from 4 to 7pm.  if you're local and are interested in joining us, drop me an e-mail and i'll make sure to add you to the evite that i'm putting together.  we're happily accepting donations for the raffle and swag bags too, so if you've got a business that you'd like to promote, let me know!

oh, man.  i sure hope this goes well.  what am i getting myself into??


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...