wan-na find something?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

to the hip hip hop, a-you don't stop

wanna hear something awesome?

the bean added a new activity to her weekly line-up.  and it's the most fabulous class ever - hip-hop dance.  oh, yes.

now, i'd heard that there was a beginner's level class for 5-year-olds.  while talking to the receptionist at the dance studio about it, the owner happened to walk by and overheard our conversation.  when i told her that the bean's birthday is in october, she nodded her head and said "oh, yes.  she can start the class now if you're interested."  BOOM.

i hadn't really been all about committing to any saturday classes before, because i like to keep our weekends open, but i figured a measly 1-hour class would be no big deal.  not to mention...well, this was just going to be too good to miss.  and we didn't even need to buy any special gear for it - all we needed was comfy clothes that are easy to move in, and a pair of tennies earmarked just for this class.  easy enough.

she was a little confused as to why she wasn't decked out in tights and leotard for a dance class, and i was a bit concerned about how she'd react to a different teacher and a whole slew of new kids (all of which were older).  but i should've known better - she strolled right in, introduced herself to the instructor, and started filling her in on how she'd just spent four whole nights in a hotel on vacation.

i stood outside the door and watched through the window, giggling and beaming with pride as i watched my little dancer go.  they did a bunch of stretching exercises first.

she was a little lost as she watched and tried to follow along, but she did just fine.  and the kids in the class seemed really sweet as they smiled at her and tried to stay out of her way.

when she's disconcerted or just needs a little comforting, she tugs on her earlobes.

and here's one of many videos i took through the glass.  seriously, folks...i die.

she's been to three hip-hop classes now, and when we showed up this weekend we were both pleasantly surprised to see that two of her ballet classmates were there too.  i really like their moms too, and because we'd been out of town and missed regular wednesday classes it was great to see them and get a little caught up.

oh, boy - the next dance recital is going to be ah-may-zing.

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i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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