wan-na find something?

Friday, November 16, 2012

goin' to the chapel

the bean's school goes to chapel every friday morning.  one class is assigned every week to lead the group in the pledges and do a couple of songs.

you know where this is going.

the kids in the class that's performing get to dress in their sunday best instead of their uniforms on that day, so i put her in what i'd bought as her backup outfit for our photo shoot.

the teen and i got there early to find good seats, and the bean gave us a big ol' kool-aid smile when she trooped in with her classmates.

she got to stand up and hold the bible during the pledges, and when she caught sight of me taking pictures she gave me a super goofy face before getting serious.

the kids all got up to sing their two songs (complete with hand gestures), and it was really cute.

then each of them got to share with everyone what they're thankful for.  the bean piped up when it was her turn and said loudly and clearly "i am thankful for making new friends."

afterwards, we got to snag her for a minutes to snap a couple of pictures.

the end.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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