wan-na find something?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


last week, the teen and i were lucky enough to be part of the audience for the first screening of a documentary called #140characters.  my friend jen, who i met at matt logelin's book signing at cordially invited, is one of the producers of this film.  she's been super excited about finally getting to share something she's been involved in for a couple of years.  and i was pretty stoked when she invited me to come as "press" - because after all, i blog it all, right?

#140characters tells the story of four very different individuals whose lives have been touched by their use of twitter.  one found love, another an aspiring actress who landed a gig in one of justin bieber's music videos, the third owns and operates the grilled cheese truck, and the fourth story was that of heather spohr, friend of my friend nanette, a super popular blogger who started a charitable organization in her daughter's honor.  i was also curious as to whether or not i'd be able to spot myself - jen had put a call out months ago asking for a quick video to be used somewhere in the film, and we all know how much i love to see me onscreen.

the film was being shown in the screening room of the autry national center of the american west (say that five times fast).

right as i was snapping this:

i heard a "hey, what are you doing here?"  and when i looked up there was matt, sitting there with a big ol' grin.  ha!  i should've known he was going to be there.  and then since he's good friends with the spohr family, we had the great fortune to sit with them during the screening.  heather and mike are both really nice, and without sounding like a super duper freaky stalkerazzi cha cha cha, i feel like we would totally be BFFs if only we lived closer together.  but heather and i are totally facebook friends now, so that's the next best thing, right?  whee!

the teen and i totally smirked over the statue in front of the entrance.  she really wanted to hop into that saddle and pose like her sister.

at the check-in desk:

and i got my extra special press pass.

then we were escorted VIP-style to our reserved seats.

a couple of the producers got up to introduce themselves and the film.

although she was slightly less than excited about it when we got there, the teen found herself totally entertained through the duration.  the documentary was really only about a half hour long, but the stories presented were really interesting.  and despite the fact that we're both familiar with the spohr family's backstory, we cried through heather's segment anyway.  when it was over, the principals got up for a quick Q&A session.

before we all left, i got the teen to take these:

i also managed to talk to heather and mike a little and let them know that i'd love to help them with friends of maddie, the charity they started to help families with babies in the NICU.  maybe i can do something to help from way out here in my neck o'the woods.

oh, and by the way - i sure did spot my mug at the very end of the film.  i brought a copy on DVD home just for shits and giggles, too.  and not only did i appear in the credits, but i found one of my friends there too!

ah, it's fun to be an attention whore.


  1. ahh...how cool. can't wait to catch that documentary.
    i met heather & mike awhile back..super cool peeps, love them!

  2. Thanks for the awesome post, Jenny!

    Everyone can check out the trailer here: www.140doc.com
    If you like what you see, you can also buy a copy of the film there!

    #140doc Producer

  3. How come you're not on the trailer? :(

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was so excited to see you there! And we would TOTES be BFF and hang out every day if we didn't live so freaking far from each other. But I'm hoping I'll see you at more events soon - and obvs on facebook!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...