wan-na find something?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

everybody loves a parade

you know, i don't think we've ever really celebrated chinese new year before.  well, the girls have been the lucky recipients of red envelopes from our friend lilcee in years past.  so when she suggested that we all head out to chinatown together to watch the annual CNY parade, i thought it was a fabulous idea.  and as always, the bean was super excited to hang out with her BFF and do something fun.

lilcee's aunt owns a shop just off the parade route, so we stopped in to say hello and scoop up some little trinkets.  it was a particularly warm day - in the 80s - and the sun was blaring, so i gladly shelled out a few bucks for some cute parasols and fans.

of course, her attention was focused on the tiny turtles that were also for sale.  i had to do some serious tap-dancing to wiggle out of buying one.

lilcee found a sweet spot on the curb that was big enough for all of us to sit down.  these silly faux $100 bills, with a message printed on the back from a nearby church, made for a perfect mat to keep our fannies nice and clean.

i don't care what you people think of toms shoes, i love them.  they're comfy and you'll have to pry 'em off my cold dead feet.

methinks our souvenirs will come in quite handy when summer rolls around.

the bean and mini cee were perfectly happy waiting for the festivities to begin, munching on delicious pocky.

all the party people up and down the street were firing these things off, showering the streets with colorful confetti.

despite her dislike of loud noises, the bean loved that confetti.

the parade was fun to watch, with dragons lions galore.

 they were even embedded in the street.

more parade attractions.

and political types.

and a local news anchor.

dragon lion butt.

after an hour or so of this stuff, the girls were pretty much over it (as were we).  so we maneuvered our way through the packed sidewalks and got the hell outta dodge.  back in the pasadena area, we decided to grab a late lunch at tender greens, a lilcee family favorite that i'd been wanting to try.  because, um, hello fried chicken salad.

both girls were equally satisfied with the deliciously gooey mac & cheese.

a day with lilcee & co. never disappoints.


  1. Enjoyed seeing your beautiful, happy smiles!

  2. Psst. Lions, not dragons.

    Feel free to delete this comment after you correct. ;)

    1. ha! i don't get enough comments these days to delete any i do get. but thanks for the correction. we called them dragons all damn day long.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...