wan-na find something?

Friday, February 1, 2013

felt up

my renewed addiction to pinterest of late is actually pretty timely, with valentine's day around the corner.  i've gotten all sorts of fun ideas, and although this one is pretty old and overdone in the pinterest world, around here it's still fresh and exciting.  well, at least it's about as fresh and exciting as a wreath can possibly be.

the last few days of my life have been mostly spent doing this:

that, my friends, is a fabulous handy-dandy perfect circle cutter.  it's actually one of the most awesome things i've picked up at michaels in a long time.  although due to the sheer volume of felt circles i've had to cut out, my hands are all jacked up.  i think i put a permanent indent in one of my fingers from overuse of this thing.  i went through a couple of yards of red felt, cutting it up so that it ended up looking like this:

and that wasn't even enough to finish one measly wreath.

i'd actually wanted to do three hearts, but with a couple of weeks left till v-day every craft store around me was sold out of them, save one.  i picked that one up, and a couple of hours later i had this.

but it's not very big, and i thought it needed a couple of friends.  so i went back to the store and grabbed two simple round bases, mangled my fingers cutting more circles, and after about four yards of felt and an entire box of 500 straight pins (and then some), i had this:

the window still seems a little bare, so i think i might use up some leftover felt and create a little heart garland to jazz it up a bit.

honestly, i don't even know why i'm going to this much trouble.  it's not like valentine's day is particularly big 'round these parts.  but we all know how much of a glutton for punishment i am, so there you go.

i wonder what i'll do for st. patrick's day.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...