wan-na find something?

Monday, February 11, 2013

me want cookie!

because i am either a giving person or a glutton for punishment, i'd volunteered to bring some homemade cupcakes for a bake sale fundraiser at the bean's school.  i'm always willing to help, especially if it's something i can easily accomplish, and i earned a "free dress" day for her in the process.  win-win, right?

although the drop-off day came right on the heels of a monstrous, super complicated batch of cookies that i still need to share with you.  so i was rather baked out at that point, but i made a commitment and i was sticking to it, dang it.

so after perusing my pinterest boards for something fun/easy/eyecatching, i stumbled across this adorable idea.  using this recipe for delicious chocolate cupcakes, i finally got to use a set of super cute cupcake liners that have been in my kitchen, just waiting for the right opportunity.

with some leftover royal icing, i "glued" some chocolate chips onto white candy melts.

i busted out my wilton #233 tip for the first time and mixed up some blue frosting.

because i wanted to package the cupcakes individually (easier for me to transport, and i'm hoping easier for them to sell), i dropped the cupcakes into a plastic tumbler after cutting out a little section from the top.  i dropped squirts (that sounds GROSS) of blue frosting onto each cupcake to make it look like hair:

then i wedged two of the "eyes" i'd made and stuffed a famous amos cookie into the hole i'd cut out.

although it definitely wasn't my idea, i think these are just so cute.

see, they present well, right?

the ladies at the drop-off were so sweet when i took them in.  i'm really curious about how they did at the sale, but i feel like it would be weird to ask.  oh, well.  i'm just gonna assume they sold like hotcakes and brought in a crapload of cash for the fundraiser.

i'm an optimist, you know.


  1. Good for you! They must have made loads of cash.:)

    1. i'd really love to know, but it would be so awkward to ask :/

  2. aww these are so darn cute! I think even I could attempt to make those. lol I'm sure they did pretty well at the bake sale.

    1. thank you! i hope they did. you should totally try these, your kids would love them!


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january dumpin’

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