wan-na find something?

Friday, February 15, 2013

mysfits indeed

a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine who works at a toy company asked me if i'd be interested in doing some cookies to help them promote a couple of new doll lines.  i hadn't really done any cookies in quite some time, so i was all over it.

although i gotta say, once i looked at the graphics for the dolls, i got super nervous.  these were super stylized designs, and i'm really not an artist.  i'm just good at copying stuff!  so a couple of days before, i decided i'd put together royal icing transfers that would harden overnight and i could just plop them onto a freshly frosted cookie.

it's a good thing i got a nice, early start - i needed a shitload of colors in both thick and thin consistencies.  this is really my least favorite part of cookie-ing, so i was relieved to get it done.

crazy, right?  and although i had a LOT of transfers to make, i tackled them little by little until i was finally done.

for the other line of dolls, i tried and tried to duplicate the faces.  but there was just no way i could take on something like this:

actually, had i been able to pull that off, i'd have been really proud of myself.  alas, it was not to be.  and after a bit of back-and-forth via e-mail, i managed to wiggle myself out of those designs and instead settle on taking a couple of simple elements from the characters.  the final products:

that thing is supposed to be a crown.  but when the teen sat down at the table across from me, she took one look and asked me why i was making vagina cookies.  and viewed upside down, i can see what she meant:


i was so relieved when we finally delivered all seven dozen, and i think they were a nice addition to their display.

plus, we managed to score a free doll (which we have yet to crack open, it's been so busy around here).  i'll be curious to see who plays with it more, the teen or the bean.

i'll report later.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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