wan-na find something?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

super shopping


i love me some old navy.

in fact, my favorite time of the month (that sounds funny) is when i get to buy our monthly quota of scrip - which almost always comes in the form of ON gift cards.  in my defense, they're one of the few offerings on the extensive list that gives more than 4% back to the school.  and that's really the point of the whole scrip thing anyway, isn't it?

so although the bean is required to wear uniforms to school, she still gets to wear whatever the hell she wants in the afternoons and on weekends.  or, more accurately, whatever i pick out and hand her.  unlike her sister did at her age, she never fights me on what to wear.  this makes shopping for her clothing super duper easy.  

ON is having one of their awesome kids & baby sales right now, and it's perfectly timed because i was thinking that her spring wardrobe needs a little sprucing up.  and because we live out in BFE, our local store is generally pretty darn well-stocked.  yay for us!

she digs coming here with me, mostly so she can visit her plastic friends:

ON is consistent in that you can find all sorts of good shit and know that if it's not marked down during one visit, you can go back a week later and find it magically on sale.  with damn near every piece of kids' clothing included in their current sale, it was especially fun browsing through the colorful clothing racks.  just to make sure we were picking up the right sizes, we lugged our pile o'loot into a fitting room to try stuff on.  watching this kid preen in front of a mirror is comedy, i tell you.

check out what $75(ish) bought us:

i made her play supermodel for me.  fashion show!  she looks so darn grown-up in this ensemble.

she worked it.  i don't know what's up with that whole cocked-to-the-side leg thing, but it sure is cute.

but the novelty didn't last too long.  after the third outfit change, this is what she gave me:

well, it was good while it lasted.

i was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. Most of our wardrobe comes from ON/Gap when they have their baby sale which results in dressing alike. It's uncanny when we go out and ppl point it out. Heh. It's literally Mini-Cee.

    1. even funnier is the huge potential for you and i to go out together dressed like twins. yikes.

    2. You need to text me your outfit 30mins prior to meeting in order to avoid this fashion faux paus. Cuz then it'll result in a split screen of "Who wore it better?"


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

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