wan-na find something?

Friday, March 8, 2013

continuing the disney theme: a giveaway!

in a closet-cleaning rampage earlier this year, i came across something i'd forgotten i had.  last year, the bean had decided early on that she wanted to have a mickey-themed birthday party.  and so i'd started scouring pinterest, making notes, all the usual party-planning mumbo-jumbo.  and back then, i was still subscribed to a couple of deal-a-day websites for kids' stuff, which resulted in me ordering this thing with that party in mind:

anyway, because of the switch in party themes (which i totally should've anticipated, since this IS the bean we're talking about here), i never did end up using that thing.  i shoved it in the back of a rarely-used closet and of course, out of sight, out of mind.

when the hub busted me pulling it out of that closet, i thought his head was gonna freaking explode.  between this and the hello kitty waffle maker (well, and maybe a few hundred other things too), i think i've far exceeded his level of tolerance for my love of novelty items.  and given the choice of keeping one of the two, um, duh.  this thing has got to go.

want it?  i'd love to send it to you.  maybe you have a party coming up that it'll come in handy for.  or maybe you haven't hit your quota for silly things in your house.  in any case, if you want it, leave me a comment with a way to contact you (e-mail, twitter handle, address for the skywriting plane) and tell me what you'll do with it when you get it in your hot little hands.  and like the other giveaways i've done, if you want to blast the link to this post via twitter and facebook too, that'll buy you an extra entry.  come back and post a separate comment to let me know that you've shared it, and make sure you mention me in the tweet (@luvbabyb).

you've got till tuesday morning at noon PST to enter.  i'll do the random.org drawing and post the winner on wednesday.

now, go get me some traffic, will ya?


  1. I'm sure my 5 year old nephew would love this!

    My sister is a stay at home mom in northern MN and doesn't buy much novelty stuff like this, so my nephew would for sure think this is super cool. Plus, his little sister isn't too far from being old enough to appreciate the novelty, too.

    My email address is the above name (Shinianen) and add @hotmail.com to the end! :-)

  2. I would make treats for my students :)


  3. I tweeted about the giveaway!


  4. my 10 month old would love this. He is all about finger foods. These are perfect


  5. I would use this to make fun pancakes/waffles for breakfast!


  6. I will make an awesome pre-wedding breakfast for my friend who loves Disney and got engaged in front of the WDW Castle. :)

  7. Oh how fun, I would love to make birthday waffles for my daughter. She loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon right now - this would be perfect. Email krystalregueiro@gmail.com

  8. My girls would love this. We probably won't make it to Disney World for another couple of years, so maybe this will keep them happy in the mean time.

    You can find me on FB, or on SQ. ;)
    -Tracey Aloe Hansen

  9. I would make mickey and minnie waffles. My son just discovered that he loves waffles. Thanks for the chance!

    itsjustme91770 at yahoo dot com

  10. I'd use it when we bring our baby home! Due in may, so having a meet the baby party in the beginning of June. Would be fun to serve something cute!

    Email me: lynn dot Kenna @ gmail

    Yay for fun giveaways!!!

  11. Muwhahahahaah, you got caught red handed. I dont want it...just wanted to giggle at you. :) Hey I have a goregeous stainless juicer!!

  12. We'd for sure have Disney breakfast Saturdays in our household!! Sunday mornings are reserved for the actual park (thank you Magic Hour!), so now we'd be able to keep the Disney mood all weekend long!

    konayipark at gmail

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!

  13. My family of five are Disney fanatics, this thing would get used on a weekly basis for sure! maybe even daily Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I's surprise my daughter with cute waffles in the morning!

  15. My 17 month old son loves Mickey Mouse, I was able to transition him seamlessly to a sippy cup because of him! I bought him a Mickey M. sippy cup and it was easy peasy letting go of the bottle. Micky shaped pancakes would be pretty awesome.

    lovefateinc at gmail dot com

  16. I would make veggie pancakes and biscuits with sausage in them to entice the toddler who only eats pb&j and cottage cheese and strawberries to eat Mickey Mouse laced with good stuff. Shortcake2676 at gmaildotcom


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

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