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Wednesday, April 3, 2013


do you like spaghetti-o's?  i love 'em.  the others in my family, not as much as me.  but when i found this recipe for "grown-up spaghetti-o's" via twitter, i had to give it a shot.  plus, it was a super easy recipe using things i already had in the kitchen and i was feeling extra lazy about cooking that night (as i seem to be every night lately, oy vey).

when the most arduous task in a recipe is cooking pasta, you know it's gonna be a winner.  as is the inclusion of a full stick of butter (although the next time i make this - and there will be a next time - i'll likely cut down on that part, as crazy as that sounds).  all you do is mix everything together, top it with shredded cheddar, and cover it till it heats through and melts the cheese.

the ingredient list was almost embarrassingly simple and short, and yet it came out SO good.  this stuff was dee-lish-us, people.  you must try it, stat.  and yes, i used oriecchette, which we like to call "mickey mouse ears" instead of round pasta.  it held the sauce nicely.

oh, also - the teen's official graduation announcements have arrived.  MAH BAY-BEEE!

and just for fun, here's the bean with a mustache.

how's that for a random post, huh?


  1. I'm curious- did you add the chicken? For some reason it just looks out of place in the recipe...

    1. i did indeed - and it was a nice addition. breaks up all the tomato-ey-ness of it a little.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...