wan-na find something?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

breaking bread with MIL

having MIL home always ensures a good time.  her status as a permanent texas resident hasn't changed her one bit, thank goodness.  she's still willing to put up with my shenanigans and join me and the girls for adventures galore whenever she's here.

even better, our outings almost always involve delicious food.  i mean, really - what's better than enjoying tasty morsels with people you love?  not much.

i don't think she was even here for an hour before the teen and i dragged her out to afternoon tea at a cute little local tea parlor.  sandwiches, scones, clotted cream - the works.  yum.

when my mom invited us to come down for a visit, i found out that MIL had never been to nor had the chance to try the fabulous grub at versailles cuban restaurant.  and since my mom lives pretty much around the corner from one, MIL has now been properly introduced to the glory that is the house special - garlic chicken with rice and black beans.

at the mall, we discovered something new - a kiosk dedicated to nothing but cake balls.  although these aren't like the ones i've made.  they're not mushed up with frosting and then dipped into chocolate.  instead, they're kind of like little cake bites.  they reminded me of what you'd get out of one of those little countertop machines from target - just little balls of plain cake with flavored coatings.

don't get me wrong - they aren't bad per se...just not what i was looking for.  no biggie.

the bean's favorite place is a little italian restaurant not far from home.  i ordered their parma rustica panini, and i'm drooling just thinking about it.  it's a beautifully grilled panini stuffed with gooey mozzarella and tons of prosciutto, served with shoestring parmesan fries.

one morning, all i had to do was mention a craving for a local favorite, the donut man.  she scooped up the bean and off they went in search of sweet treats for everyone.  mine was a chocolate lover's dream.

MIL's birthday fell on her last full day in cali.  i just happened to have a half marathon relay with my friend kelley scheduled the day after that, so i'd sweet-talked everyone into heading down to san diego to celebrate before running my 7 miles and then dropping the ILs off at the airport for their flight home. that evening, we enjoyed a lovely dinner here:

while we kept the fact that it was her birthday on the q-t, the server noticed the cards we'd given her on the table and insisted on buying her a special dessert to celebrate.  we all sang the birthday song to her, and then the bean "helped" her blow out her candle.

you know, i'm pretty sure we had lots more good grub during her visit.  but you get the picture, yes?

it's gonna be a long four months before she comes back home.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...