Fresh & Easy here before, i'm pretty sure. it's a cute little market that's right around the corner from our house, and they carry all sorts of awesome stuff. while we were on our european extravaganza, i found some fun snacks and remember thinking "i can totally try this and get addicted to it because i saw it at f'n easy, so i can still buy it at home!"
i'm serious about my snacking, yo. but you knew that already.
before taking off on two weeks of vacation, i'd gone through and cleaned out the fridge. like, it was the emptiest i've seen it since we bought the damn thing. and so i turned to my favorite grocery store to stock up on some essentials and quick meal ideas. after having every meal in a restaurant for the last fifteen days, it was kind of nice to get into the kitchen and stand at the stove to make something to eat.
you know i'm usually all about making stuff from scratch. i think it's fun, and most of the time it just tastes better. but although i was happy to be home and try to get back into our normal routine, i was feeling really lazy about jumping right back into the groove. f'n easy came to my rescue when i found these yummy-sounding things within its walls:
sometimes it's just a relief to pull something out of the freezer, stir it around a pan for a bit, and have a hot meal ready to grub down on after just a few minutes. that cavatappi gorgonzola was really good.
we'd enjoyed some blood orange juice on the plane home that was super delicious, so when i spied this in the soda aisle i had to have it.
i also picked up a few essentials - especially since the bean had a hankering for tater tot casserole and i wanted something for breakfast. fresh&easy branded items always come through for me, and the price is always right for my cheap ass.
i usually have a coupon on hand when i shop here, but this time i wasn't so lucky. the employee at the checkout stands was more than happy to help me out, though, and produced one for me to use when i was done scanning all of my stuff. he shared a great tip - if you happen to have a coupon - say, a $5 off of $20 - you can scan it multiple times depending on how much your total is. i'd spent $45, so he told me to scan it twice and i saved $10 instead of the $5 i'd have settled for before.
it was such a lightbulb moment. awesome.
are you heading to Fresh & Easy for fourth of july BBQing supplies? because if you are, here's a coupon for you. don't forget to scan it more than once if you spend enough cashola! it's good till july 7th, so don't toss it right away.
don't ever say i never gave you nothin'.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
so i've professed my love for
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