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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

put your back into it

remember the plank, wall sit and v-sit challenges?

confession:  i was quite a failure at that last one.  i was able to hang until about 3 minutes, 50 seconds...but even then, i didn't do it right.  i may have held on to the backs of my knees while i did it.  oh, well.  on to the next, right?

and what exactly is next?  well, something a lot more doable for me:

now, this says back extensions will strengthen one's core.  great!  but for some reason, i find this exercise to be a LOT easier than any of the others.  and the goal is only half of the usual 5 minutes!  wanna join me?  here's the schedule:

i guess we'll see at the end of the month how well i actually do with this.  i could totally be talking outta my ass.  wouldn't be the first time.

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