wan-na find something?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


figuring out how to accomplish specific designs is probably the most fun AND frustrating parts of making cookies and cupcakes.  well, for me at least.  a friend asked me for cookie favors recently and sent me this:

so i made the rounds, hitting up all of my favorite local baking suppliers in search of that cutter.  too bad for me that all that driving was completely in vain - nobody had it or had even seen it.  i didn't have time to order online, and so i went through my (embarrassingly extensive) stash of cutters to see what i might have to work with.

in the end, i decided i could use these with a few alterations:

and sure enough, with a little cutout here and there, i ended up with this.

i was happy not to have to mix up too many different colors for these.

and so they don't really look exactly like the example...but i think i got close enough.

the teen attended a birthday party this weekend for a "despicable me" fan, and asked me to help her make a fun treat to take.  her timing was perfect, because i'd just seen something that looked super cute and really easy to make.  and how convenient that i already had everything i needed, just waiting to be assembled.

after a first attempt, the teen realized that the white chocolate chips weren't working.  "smarties!  we need smarties, mom," she said.  voila.

do you see where this is going?


makes me want to see the movie(s) again.  i love the minions.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...