wan-na find something?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

fun at the fair

so we managed to make it down to the oc fair twice this year.  the first was after the ROC race, and i used my free ticket that i got from my cookie entry.

the bean was excited to see the foodie mascots that i'd modeled the cookies after.

she and the teen got silly with the photo props.

i didn't actually eat much this time around.  just a cup of freshly roasted corn, and...well, a skewer of bacon-wrapped portobello mushrooms.  mmmmmm.

that same booth was offering something else that was, uh, a little less appealing.  even to me.

the bean got to have a little fun in the kid land area.

minions!  i love these things.  too bad i'm not skilled enough at any of the games to win one.

footsie wootsie time.

our second visit was right after the fair's 5K.  as a culinary award winner, i'd been given another free ticket and a parking pass.

too bad the lot was full when we got there.  we ended up having to fork out the $10 for parking after all.

the bean loves farm animals.

when it was almost time for the awards ceremony, i went in and visited my cookies one last time.

there were quite a few people in attendance to watch their friends and loved ones accept their awards.  we managed to find seats a few rows back, and watched the slideshow of award-winning treats from all of the different categories.  look, here's mine!

as the ceremony began, i was a little flustered when mine was the very first one announced.  i made my way awkwardly up to the stage and smiled for the camera.

pretty sweet ribbon, right?  this was my special judges' theme award.  there were some bonus surprises too:  coupons for local vendors and a nice variety pack of spices from tampico.

one last time to toot my own horn...for now, anyway.

back out in the fair, it was snack time.  for the teen, a deep-fried reese's peanut butter cup.

the bean had a dipped ice cream cone, and then she helped me devour a deep-fried twinkie.

we were running out of steam by then, so for our last activity we crammed into a photo booth for some silly pictures.

the end.

till next year, oc fair!

1 comment:

  1. Man, now I reeeeallly wanna win a fair competition. Congrats again!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...