wan-na find something?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

i take too many phone pics.

you know what i haven't done in a loooooong time?  iPHONE DUMP!

i found a really cute sofia the first costume for the bean at target for less than half of what disney wants for their version.  although she's never been really big on the whole dress-up thing, she does think it's fun to wear costumes to disneyland.

it was fun to watch her "rock climbing" in this getup.

sofia recently made her debut at california adventure, greeting fans just outside the disney junior theater.  while we waited in line to meet her, the bean made a few friends:

and then was super stoked for her official photo op.

as for the teen - well, she just opened her very first solo bank account (it's still really weird not to have to sign stuff on her behalf anymore).

i participated in a virtual run - you register with a group who's usually raising money for charity, run the distance on your own, and earn a medal.  cool, right?

beach day!  lugging sand and water is hard work, yo.

the teen and i snuck off to the 'land one day while the bean was out on a field trip with her summer school class.  it was fun to enjoy a few of the rides that the bean refuses to go on.

we got to partake in one of the special treats they were offering during a limited-time "christmas in july" deal.  peppermint sundae, anyone?

speaking of the 'land...this is part of our parking stub collection for the year.  heh.

the bean is funny, man.  she was mad at me for some reason one day and put this sign on her door.

i was making dinner at the time, and she must've gotten tired of waiting for my reaction because she eventually called me over to show it to me.  and then she promptly burst into tears and wailed "mommmmmyyyy, i'm so sorry i hurt your feeeeeeeeeeelings!"  this kid, man.

and then there was this.

this was dinner after an impromptu trip to the aquarium.

lastly, she just about melted into a puddle when we went to petsmart to stock up on food for molly.

quite a captive audience she had there, huh?  and yes, she wanted to take them all home.

pssssh.  as if.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...