wan-na find something?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

girl on the go

the kids' 400-meter dash at the girls on the go run didn't start until a couple of hours after i crossed the finish line at the 5K. the girls found me as i was hanging out in my car having a snack, and we headed over to the playground to kill some time.

they had some pretty unique equipment to play on.  along with the standard swings and slides, there were spinny things to ride on that made crazy noises. 

the bean talked her sister into joining her on the seesaw. it's always such a crackup to watch these two play together. 

i mean, it's like they're the same age or something. 

then it was finally time to run. 

she looks ready, doesn't she?

one of us usually runs with her, but she was feeling pretty confident and decided she could go it alone. it was awesome to watch her take off with the rest of the kids. 

since she'd just done the 200-meter dash at the disneyland kids run last month, i had a good idea of how far she was going to go for this one. so i was pretty surprised to see her racing back towards the finish line in what seemed like no time at all. 

this kid had some serious swagger as she sashayed across the finish line. heh. 

the triumphant, obligatory post-race bling shot. 

and just for fun, i got one too. 

just another medal for her ever-growing collection. so awesome.


  1. Glad to see you were able to get back into the game! Is this Santa Anita Park/Arcadia? I'd love to find some 5Ks with a kid run by me. Is there a website that you use to find runs coming up?


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...