wan-na find something?

Monday, September 30, 2013

last friday night

the bean's school regularly does movie night, usually as a fundraiser for one of the many groups that are movin' and shakin' on campus. the first one of the year happened to be "despicable me," and neither of us can resist the pull of those minions. 

we arrived at a great time, with lots of space still available on the gym floor. these things are a BYOC-type thing - bring your own chairs (or blankets and pillows).  one of her friends waved us over, and so we spread out our blanket and set up our chairs next to them. it was a good spot, not too close, not too far. 

she was really excited to see her friends. it's always funny to watch a bunch of 5-year-olds interact with each other, and you'd never have known that they'd just seen each other just a few hours before. but hey, who can resist a chance to play a little "duck, duck, goose"? 

i took a trip to the snack bar and loaded up on grub. 

yay for movie night!

the kids settled down somewhat for the movie. there was plenty of chatter and giggling through the whole thing, but nobody cared. it was just a fun friday night, and it went by pretty fast. the bean was clearly wiped out by the time it was all over, and it didn't take much to get her down for the night.

the best part for me was the surprise waiting for me at home, though. despite a busy week at work and at the cigar lounge, the hub managed to remember that it was 13 years ago that night that we went out on our first official date:

i truly have the best husband i could ever ask for. i love him so much. 


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...