but there are days when i just don't feel like putting on pants and going out for my beloved iced caramel macchiato. luckily, we have a sweet keurig machine that comes in handy for times like that. and i recently got a chance to sample some of green mountain coffee's three continent blend, from their fair trade certified k-cups line.

i never really paid much attention to stuff like this before. well, i knew that something labeled "fair trade certified" likely meant that it was a product that deserves support, but didn't really give it a lot of thought. so i decided to get myself a little edumacation at the green mountain coffee website.
hey, look - kelly clarkson is a big supporter too! KELLY CLARKSON!! (i hope you saw "40-year-old virgin," because otherwise that just isn't funny)
so here's what i learned - choosing fair trade certified coffee means that i'm supporting farmers who align themselves with companies like green mountain coffee to ensure that they're paid a fair price for the beans that they grow. and in turn, the money the farmers earn ends up going into their communities - funding important stuff like education and health care. everybody wins!
and because you're so cool, you can win too: i've got a printable coupon to save a buck on a box of green mountain coffee k-cups (12 or 18 count box) for the first four commenters who want it (be sure to leave me an e-mail address to send you the link). if you prefer ordering stuff online, i've also got five codes that'll save you $2 on a 24-count box of green mountain coffee k-cups. these codes are good till december 8th, so hop to it, people.
but wait! there's more! you can use coupon code FAIRTRADE on keurig.com and greenmountaincoffee.com and save $2 on any green mountain coffee fair trade product, and if you spend at least $45, they'll throw in shipping for free. this one's only good till november 30th - but hey, you can stock up for when you serve dessert and coffee on thanksgiving. bonus!
don't ever say i never gave you anything.
disclaimer: as a member of bzzagent, i received free samples and coupons as an incentive to write this post. all opinions are my own, and i haven't received any monetary compensation for this post. and hey, if you're interested in joining up to get free samples of all sorts of stuff to review, let me know and i'll send you a referral link. free is fun!
I wanna get free stuff!