wan-na find something?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

pieces of me

i know it's totally corny to do a "thankful" post on thanksgiving, but it somehow seems wrong not to. you know?  so okay, here goes - in no particular order:

the teen is my constant companion, who indulges every crazy whim, makes me laugh all the time, and loves me no matter what (as i do her).

the bean chose "halona" as her native american name for their thanksgiving play at school. it also happens to mean "the lucky one," which is super appropriate, yes?

these are all of the medals i've managed to add to my collection this year. i don't know how long this running thing will last, but for now i'm having a blast with it. 

we've come to appreciate mollydog a lot more in the last few weeks, thanks to the antics of the dog we're still taking care of for g-wan. she's super lazy and not tremendously smart, but she's sweet and cuddly. 

um, i have a gold starbucks card. 

thanks to the lateness of thanksgiving, resulting in a shortened holiday season this year, our christmas lights are already in place. yup. 

i have the best husband in the whole world. really, he's just awesome - he makes me laugh, is a neverending source of support, works his ass off to keep us all happy, and is truly my very best friend. he has my heart forever. 

our christmas cards have arrived!  and packaged so nicely, too. 

i hope that next year, we can celebrate thanksgiving with my mom. this year, she and my stepdad are off on a fabulous european river cruise. hope they're having lots of fun. 

thanksgiving is odd without the ILs around. now that everyone is all spread out, we have to settle for facetime and text messages. i miss them. 

i don't get to see my friends nearly as often as i'd like to, but whenever we do get together it's guaranteed to be a good time. 

i've already mentioned my own little family, but they deserve a second mention. i can't even imagine how sad and boring my life would be without them. they bring light and love and joy and happiness to my life, and i can only hope to do even half as much for them. 

i hope that your thanksgiving is as wonderful and joyful and peaceful as ours is. 


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...