wan-na find something?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

house party

in lieu of a more elaborate christmas party, the two kindergarten classes at the bean's school get together  during the week before winter break to make and decorate gingerbread houses.  parents and grandparents and anyone else who wants to come are invited to come and help out, and so i hit up my mom to see if she might be able to head up to join us.  happily, her calendar was open.

now because i am me, i decided that i wanted to make her something fun to wear for the party.  i'd seen some cute gingerbread man-themed fabric at joann's, but when i went back to get some it was nowhere to be found.  of course.  but it was totally okay, because i found another baking-related design that i liked better:

a quick perusal of pinterest turned up an easy-looking tutorial for a cute little suspender skirt, and while the bean was at school i got to work.  it'd been a while since i'd done anything with pleats, but it's rather like riding a bicycle.

while i thought the whole thing turned out really well, my favorite part was the little gingerbread man buttons.  i snagged the very last two in the store.  and i was super excited to finally make something that required me to figure out how to use my machine to make buttonholes.  i even managed to get it to sew the buttons on!  so awesome.  i'm never hand-sewing buttons again.

when she got home from school, it wasn't very hard to get her to try it on and model it for me.

later after she went to bed, i decided that she needed a festive headband to wear.  my friend winnie had posted a picture of a plethora of beautifully handmade flowered headbands and was kind enough to share the links to the tutorials she'd used.  i settled on this one and started cutting out the circles of felt.

after a little work with my trusty hot glue gun, i had this:

i attached it to one of the bean's headbands and tried it on.  hot damn, this thing is huge.  i figured if it was this large on my head, it would be ridiculous on her.

the next morning, we were both excited for her to get dressed and ready for the party.

the teen and i had volunteered to arrive a little early to help get things set up, and with lots of hands to work with, the tables were all ready for the kids well before they arrived to get started.

i'd never done this before, but it was genius.  two milk cartons taped together made a perfect foundation for the graham crackers to form the house.

each kid had been assigned the task of bringing in a can of white frosting, and they used it to slather the milk cartons all over to glue the walls and roof on.

i told you the flower was as big as her head.  so awesome.

the bean is most definitely her father's daughter.  she was focused and in the zone as she worked on creating a "log cabin" with pretzel sticks.  she worked quickly and efficiently, adjusting the sticks to align perfectly, and it was really fun to watch.

i sent this picture to the hub and the ILs and captioned it "bet you can't guess which one is hers."  her father was appropriately proud of her masterpiece and chuckled at how very like him she is.

after getting cleaned up, we all took the opportunity to snap some pictures with the architect.

with her pride and joy.

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