wan-na find something?

Monday, January 20, 2014

things come in threes

this year is still in infancy and yet has already brought so much tragedy and sadness to a handful of people i know.

back in the days when i was operating as a single mom, with just me and the teen in a 3rd-floor apartment, one of my greatest fears was that something would happen to me and my four-year-old daughter would have to figure out what to do.  i'd picture me unconscious on the floor or something, with my poor kid freaking out and having to call her dad for help.  i was often haunted by thoughts of these kinds of scenarios, but never actually had to deal with any of them, thank goodness. 

unfortunately, a close friend of my friend kelley's wasn't so lucky. after struggling with some life issues for the last couple of years, her daughter found her unconscious one morning and promptly ran to the closest neighbor's house. she was rushed to the hospital, but just a few days later she was gone. 

i only got to meet this lady a handful of times, and she was warm and sweet and funny as hell. her daughter was just like her, and the bond between then was unmistakable. she was a wonderful friend to kelley and her family, and she'll be sorely missed by many. 

another friend and her husband are dealing with his recent cancer diagnosis. i've only gotten to meet her in person once, but chat on a regular basis via twitter, facebook and message boards. the pictures and posts she shares with us are so upbeat and positive, and i admire them both so much. 

the third story is truly heartbreaking, and has been on my mind nonstop for days. the 3-year-old daughter of a frequent poster on my favorite message boards fell ill unexpectedly one day last week. she was airlifted to the closest children's hospital after the discovery of a perforated intestine and went into cardiac arrest during the flight and surgery. because of the resulting brain damage, her parents made the most difficult decision imaginable - they let her go. but she lives on not in just their hearts and memories, because they donated her organs to help others in need. 

the message board community has been working hard to help them as they deal with their loss...and the mounting medical bills left behind. along with our own donations, we're all sharing the link to their donation site with everyone we know. while the amount raised so far is significant (which has helped to restore my faith in humanity), there's still a bit left to go before we hit our goal. any amount helps and is appreciated, so if you're so inclined, please click here and make a donation. 

come on, 2014. you've got plenty of time to redeem yourself. get on it pronto. 

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...