wan-na find something?

Monday, January 6, 2014

elephants for monkeys

six years ago, i was beyond blessed to share an afternoon with the SFAMily...my wonderful friends who threw me the most beautiful baby shower on the history of the world. since then, we've gathered countless times to celebrate the impending birth of more SFAM 2.0 members. the group has grown quite a bit, and it's been really fun to watch my friends transform from beautiful brides to fantastic moms.

this weekend, we assembled at amber's lovely home to shower one more new mama with love: our dear weezermonkey, due to introduce babygirlmonkey next month. 

taking our cues from a photo of some wall art that weemo had instagrammed awhile back, lilcee and amber and i cobbled together a party theme and colors. 

early the day before, lilcee and i hit up the flower market to pick up supplies for the centerpieces. 

she put together some seriously gorgeous arrangements. man, i sure wish i had even a fraction of her talent:

she'd also sewn together a bunch of those colorful circles to create garlands that she hung up in several places in our party rooms:

my only contributions to the decor were the clotheslines of baby gear. 

well, i may have also done a little baking. 

as the guests began to arrive, there were lots of hugs and laughs all around. 

and as usual, there was a crazy smorgasbord of great eats. you can always count on this crowd to bring it in the food department. 

we set up a guest book table with the teen's instant camera to make a fun keepsake for weemo. i still pull mine out now and then and looking at the pictures and messages never fails to make me smile. 

our friend 10years was all smiles with her fabulous new chanel bag. i may have petted it as it sat with the other purses during the party. 

we had such a great turnout for this shindig, which was even more pronounced as we formed a line at the buffet. 

i don't think i could've fit any more onto my plate. actually, i know i couldn't - because i tried. 

i ate every last bite of that, too. heh. 

after stuffing ourselves silly, it was present time. as per our usual, we'd thrown in together to buy gifts as a group and had them shipped directly to weemo's house. there were also a handful of physical gifts for her to open, too. 

amber had worked her magic to create a box full of gorgeous handmade items, including a plush blanket, burp cloths, and a tunic with - get this - baby jeggings

we took it outside to get a group photo. lilcee took one with the insta-camera, and then we switched spots so i could snap one with her in it. 

while we were out there, i took the opportunity to get a picture with my friend cocoaellewoods. 

oh! check this out - nanette brought a little something to pass on to babygirlmonkey. under that disney bag is the very same bumbo seat that the bean had used when she was a wee one. we'd passed it on to nanette's em, and her little sister has outgrown it now too. 

it was so funny to reminisce about how weemo'd had absolutely no idea what thing was for way back when. and now it's going to her house for her own baby! full circle indeed. 

another picture with more of our friends before the party broke up. 

and a little fun during cleanup. 

watching my dear friend as she glowed and basked in the love and happiness during those few hours brought back so many great memories of my own shower so many years ago. it was just so sweet to see how happy she is, and i am so damn excited for her and mr. monkey. they're going to make such awesome parents, and i can't wait to meet her baby girl. 

we love you, weemo! 


  1. i followed her blog in the past(which always left me hungry btw) congratulations to her and mr.monkey. how exciting!

  2. How exciting! Congrats to her and Mr. Monkey. I followed her blog but there hasn't been a post in so long. Now I know why. She's got big things on the horizon. The cookies are adorable.

  3. Awww! Yay! Congrats to the Monkey Family!

  4. She looks adorable! I love the cookies, what a great group of friends!

  5. I melted when you showed me the clothes for the clothes line. So stinking cute.

    Your cookies are just amazing.


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