wan-na find something?

Monday, February 17, 2014

and none for gretchen wieners

valentine's day got off to a super early start for me. still in the midst of that 30-in-60 challenge, i snagged a spot in the incredibly popular 5am barre class.

yup, you read that right. FIVE AY-EM. it sounds insane, right? hell, i was already agog at the 6am classes i've been taking on monday mornings. i'd arrive all yawny and sleepy-eyed, and a full class of up to 18 chicks was already into their final stretch. 

but then i decided to give it a try. and i found that i really liked getting my workout done before the sun came up, leaving the whole rest of the day open for whatever was on the schedule.

the odd thing is, when i know that i've gotta get up early for class (or a race, etc.), i seem to wake up at least half an hour earlier than i need to. doesn't even matter what time i went to bed the night before. it's annoying as hell, but there you go.

when i got to the studio, the only other person there was the instructor. with an empty studio all to myself for a few minutes, what else was there to do but this?


i stopped for my usual post-barre starbucks treat, and then when i got home i got to work on valentine's day breakfast. because i had extra time to play with, i decided to put a little extra festive fun into the monkey bread i was making:

and with no tube pan to use (shockingly, there actually IS an item or two missing from my kitchen), i improvised.

after tossing the little heart-shaped pieces of dough in some cinnamon sugar, dousing it all in some brown sugar mixed with melted butter, and baking for about 25 minutes, i pulled out this fragrant pan from the oven. 

after a little cooling time, i flipped it out onto a serving plate. 

i'm not gonna lie, i was kinda bitter that my carefully cut out hearts had blown up into unrecognizable shapes. but when i looked closer, i could still pick out a few. 

didn't matter anyway. the bean devoured the portion i dished out for her quite happily. and after she ate, i worked on her special v-day 'do. 

you can see the heart, right? heh. 

all ready!

as for me, i decided to step it up a little and put on a fun dress that's been hanging out in my closet for awhile. and then i took another step out of my comfort zone and threw on a necklace i hadn't yet worn. i gotta admit, i felt purty. 

the hub had arranged his day so that we could spend the morning together. and since i'd blurted out that overpriced valentine flowers weren't necessary at all, he whisked me away for a fabulous shopping spree at my favorite place:

that's a lululemon shopping bag, in case you didn't recognize it. nestled inside were these pretties...all in a size down from what i'd been buying before. HOLLA. 

we had just enough time to grab a quick lunch before i headed to the bean's school to help out with her class party. when i got there, she was already busy with the first of the holiday activities - cookie decorating. 

i had an hour to kill after the party was over before coming back to pick her up, so i headed off to the grocery store to buy supplies for that night's dinner. nothing says love like a ribeye steak butterflied to resemble a heart. 

when we got home, she was excited to show off all of her loot. her valentine box was overflowing with goodies:

she'd also received five candygrams - from me, her daddy, her sister, grandma, and her teacher. you go, glen coco. 

apparently the whole class put these on and paraded around the school. 

she proudly presented me with this card she'd worked on so carefully. 

then it was time to work on her special valentine dinner. 

after she'd eaten and had a nice, relaxing shower she passed out cold. the hub and i enjoyed our bbq'd steaks and lobster tails and watched "the dallas buyer's club" (far from romantic, but a damn good movie). 

all in all, i'd call it a pretty wonderful valentine's day.  we missed the teen, who was at her dad's for a visit, but that's okay.  every day in this house is love day.

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