wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


when my monthly box from stitch fix arrives, i tend to hold off on opening it for at least a day.  in my head, waiting to crack it open makes the fun last just a little bit longer.  i'm such a dork.

but this time, with the bean's (and therefore, mine too) social calendar completely booked with engagements all weekend long, i needed something to wear that didn't make me look like a soccer mom.  i suppose that's my fault though, considering most of my clothing money is spent on workout gear.  and the big closet cleanout from a couple of months ago left me with seriously slim pickins.  so i was hoping to find some good stuff in this month's shipment.

this is my most favorite moment of every fix - right after i slice open the top of the box, pull the flaps back, pause for just a second longer, and finally tear into that tissue paper to see what's inside.

the first item was in a beautiful, bright, happy color.  this sleeveless top will transition nicely from now (since so cal's stupid weather is downright summerlike in february) all the way through the actual summer months.

i look kinda pissed off in the picture, huh?  sorry about it.

i really liked the second top i pulled out.  i'm a big fan of the tab sleeve, 'cuz i like options.  the colors are fun, too, and will work well with things i already have in the closet.

i liked it so much, i decided to wear it for that afternoon's shindig.  i paired it with something i'd just scooped up at old navy - their rock star super skinny cargo pants.  their jeans never fit me quite right, but for some reason, these pants worked.  they're comfy, don't have that awkward gap at my waist, and are the perfect length.  rock on, old navy.

the hits just kept on coming with the third top.  i'm pretty happy that my stylist decided to shower me with tops this month - my wardrobe is severely lacking in cute tops.  of course, when i head to the mall in search of some to add to the collection, i can never find ones i like.  this is the beauty of stitch fix - they send me things i often like instantly, yet most likely wouldn't have picked up on my own.  anyway, this lightweight top went perfectly with the other pair of cargo pants i scooped up.  it drapes nicely, and i like the stripes and colors.

this little dress is going to be perfect in the coming spring and summer months.  plus, i love polka dots almost as much as stripes, and it's in a nice neutral color that i can pair all sorts of different colors of shoes with.  sweet.

the last item was this pair of mint skinnies.  they're crazy long, but otherwise fit me really nicely.  and the denim has a lovely stretch to it that i like.  you know, for all that bending and stretching i do…in jeans.  heh.

this was a box totally full of win.  bravo, stitch fix.  well played.

so, a reminder - if you want to give it a shot, it's just a $20 styling fee that gets you a box of fun that they assemble using information from the profile you create on the website.  you can keep specific pieces or the whole box, and that $20 is credited back to your purchase.  if you keep it all, they slice 25% off of the total, and whatever you don't want gets shipped back in the prepaid envelope they include in the package.  and if you decide to try it out, use my referral link.  hook a sista up.


  1. You have to try Blue Jean Bar Express...I love their boxes too!

  2. Love all of these tops, and that dress is lovely! Of course, I'm a polka dot fanatic, so I would say that. :) Stitch Fix is so fun. Glad you loved your box!

  3. Can I ask what the total for this box was (you bought the whole thing, right?) ? I'm trying to guess what the total would be with the discount if you kept an entire box-worth of items.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...