wan-na find something?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

song and play time with mimi

the barrage of birthday parties continues. although they're extra fun when not only does the bean get to play with her friends, but i do too. this shindig was in celebration of our friend nanette's baby girl, mimi. she's the cutest 1-year-old i know.

nanette asked me to make cookies to hand out with the favor bags:

the party was way out on the west side, so we took the hub's tahoe and picked up lilcee and mini cee on the way. i told the bean she could choose a movie to pop into the DVD player, and the three of them sat back there and enjoyed it together. 

it was "cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2," in case you were wondering. it was the bean's valentine's day surprise and is her current favorite flick. 

the party venue was mimi's gymboree dance and play studio. i remember taking the bean to gymboree classes, which was so much fun. of course, she has zero recollection of it and so she was totally entertained by the place. 

although she's technically a smidge too old to play on the equipment, the staff very nicely allowed her to join in on the fun anyway. this was really nice, because although i'd prepped her to expect to sit on the sidelines, i knew she was dying to play. she was a great sport about it when we thought she could only participate in the song and play portion, though. she's a team player that way. 

the teen was just slightly less entertained by it all.

but it was funny to watch her get into it, too. 

the songs and group activities were great fun for all the kids. 


and the teen made a new friend in the form of sweet annie. 

but she was quickly dropped when cake time rolled around.

before the party wrapped up, we managed to capture an awesome group shot. this right here is the largest gathering to date of SFAM 2.0:

i can't wait till we can get all of us together again. the SFAMily is continuing to grow...stay tuned.


  1. I can't believe you caught me laughing like a fool watching Cloudy Pt 2.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...