wan-na find something?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

down on the farm

we were lucky enough to be invited to a birthday party for another member of SFAM 2.0. the bash was held at underwood family farms in moorpark...which was about 70 miles and an hour-fifteen away, but totally worth it.

it was a gorgeous day, perfect for a fun party outside in the fresh air. 

the party area was broken up into several areas with cute names, like the "pig pen," "sheep shed," and this, where we were. 

there were lots of yummy treats and breakfast goodies. 

all of the kids even had personalized hats to wear. 

as the bean clambered up to the top of the giant pile of hay bales, it didn't take much to talk her sister in joining her. 

she'll probably kill me for this, but i couldn't help but laugh (and whip out my phone) when she made her way back down and got her foot stuck. 

these stickers and wristbands for the kids gave us free rein around all of the attractions on the property. 

the first thing we got to do was climb aboard for a hayride around the farm.

this kid is such an animal lover. 

i got her to sit on this thing for about five seconds before she headed straight to the entrance to much more fun stuff. 

she got to fill an ice cream cone with oats to feed the animals. 

to keep both humans and animals safe, these chutes were set up so that the kids could just drop handfuls of oats and other food down for feeding. 

at the pony ride, she just barely managed to squeak through the height requirent. i can't believe she's getting to the point where she's almost too tall to do stuff. 

we hopped into 55-gallon barrels that served as seats on the "cow train." it took us in the same circular route that the hayride had gone on. 

more silliness. 

we had just enough time for this:

before heading back to the hen house for this:

and then we sang to the adorable birthday boy and had cake. 

such a great party! lilcee and mini cee told us that there's also a really fun pumpkin festival here, so we may be making another trip out this way in the fall.  

maybe by then we'll have forgotten how long the drive was to get here. ha!

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