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Friday, March 28, 2014

going solo

i'd signed up to run the hot chocolate 15K down in san diego months ago. i booked a hotel in the gaslamp district via one of those deal-a-day websites, and i was looking forward to the getaway.

and then the hub ended up booking a business trip that happened to fall on the same weekend. the teen wasn't feeling it and wanted to stay home. then the bean got invited to a birthday party for one of her friends. 

with a non refundable hotel room, a race that covered the distance i needed to run while i train for the hollywood half, and MIL in town and perfectly happy to stay home with the bean, i found myself prepping for a solo road trip. i don't think i've ever done this before, or at least not in over a decade. i was super excited - a full day and night all to myself? um, yes please!

i packed a bag, kissed the bean goodbye, dropped the teen off with her dad for the night, and hopped in the car.

i ended up sitting in a crapload of traffic as i headed down south. but i was in too good of a mood to let that get to me. i cranked up the radio and had a dance party in the car all the way to san diego. i had a blast, and before i knew it i was pulling up to the valet at my hotel.

home sweet home!

the sofia hotel is one of those historic hotels that's been renovated and modernized as best as possible. the rooms are still super tiny - but perfect for little ol' me.

i still needed to hit up the race expo to pick up my bib for the run. i could see on my map that it wasn't far from the hotel at all, but when i asked the front desk nobody seemed to know where the san diego concourse was. i was pretty annoyed at their unwillingness to help me, but thank goodness for the maps app on my phone. and come to find out, it was literally around the corner. how the hotel staff didn't know this, i'll never understand. i'm convinced that they were simply lazy as hell. ugh. 

inside, it was just as i remembered from last year - only with fewer vendors and no free jars biscoff spread.

there was a dance party going on in there, but i rarely dance in public and besides, i'd already had my fill of dancing in the car. 

there was a super long line for chocolate fondue, and they ran out in no time. 

i grabbed a cup of hot chocolate instead, and then i went back to the hotel to relax. 

as much fun as i was having with only myself to answer to for once, i did get hit pretty hard with a dose of "OMG, i miss my family."  

man, i am such a wimp. 

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