wan-na find something?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

nothing like a girl's first pamper me fabulous

we all know how much I love freebie fun. and when it's free girly fun, even better. so when i won a pair of free tickets to the OC version of pamper me fabulous, i was super stoked. and then when i noticed that the rules had changed and all ages were now allowed to attend (it's usually 21+ due to the free-flowing alcohol at the event), it got even better. since lilcee, my usual partner in crime, had her own tickets, she was able to bring a guest too.

we pulled up to the hyatt in huntington beach about an hour into the party. 

check-in was easy since most of the attendees were already there. 

instead of wristbands, they used stamps for entry and alcohol. 

the bazaar was smaller than in previous years. 

and there was a fortune teller. 

i wasn't interested in any alcohol, but a lot of others were. 

we did grab bottles of sleep water and goodies from a candy bar. 

then we headed outside to bask in the gorgeous weather. 

there were fitness classes happening, but since they were all zumba and hip-hop oriented, we passed. dance ain't our thing. 

back in the bazaar, we had fun checking out the display of sunglasses for sale. 

i spied something familiar across the room. 

we got to test out little travel-sized pieces of body scrub. 

after giggling over a booth offering a whole different kind of merchandise...

...we decided it was time to grab our swag bags and get outta there. 

mirror selfie on the way out. 

till next time, PMF. 

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