wan-na find something?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

wasting no time

as soon as we got home from our week-long trip, i was off and running with a couple of requests for cookie favors.  like, literally as soon as we got home i was pulling supplies out to make a couple of dozen mickey-shaped treats for a birthday party the next day.

lucky for me, mickey is one of the easier designs to do.  i love doing characters without having to actually draw faces, it ties in a party theme without being all "in your face" about it.

a few days later, i had more cookies to make. my friend had e-mailed me this super cute invitation to work with.  and while the shapes don't appear to be particularly complicated, it's usually the simplest ones that are the toughest to duplicate.

i adore designs that don't require me to mix up frosting in a ton of different colors.  and especially when those colors are so pretty.

after flooding the cookie with gray for the background, i got to work on the designs.  i wasn't 100% thrilled with the results, but the teen and the bean approved.  and then i really felt better when i sent a picture to my friend and she liked them too.

may is shaping up to be a huge cookie month.  a peek at my calendar tells me that i have more than 15 dozen to whip up over the next few weeks.  and despite the dozens and dozens of cookies i've worked on over the last couple of years, most of them are designs that i haven't yet done.

this is gonna be fun.


  1. Can I be your cookie apprentice? I will trade my general assistance and baking skills for some tutelage in cookie decorating? I am really serious about wanting to learn!

    1. haha! i have no business trying to teach anybody anything! i really just learned by reading a couple of blogs by folks who are awesome cookiers - sweet sugarbelle and bake at 350.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...