wan-na find something?

Monday, June 23, 2014

hello kitty always makes everything better

i find it pretty amazing (and by "amazing," i mean "AWESOME") that after the dozens and dozens of cookies i've done for people, somehow you guys still manage to come up with new-to-me designs to work on.  i guess the nonstop flow of new movies and characters helps a lot with that, though.  and thank god for google and my fellow cookiers out there in the world, because otherwise i'd have no clue as to how to transfer those ideas into frosting.  the level of creativity (and patience!) that some folks have is astounding and impressive.

some of my favorite cookies are the ones that require a few extra steps, like tweaking a cutter or assembling cut pieces of dough together to create a different shape.  like this one i borrowed from sweet sugarbelle - i've been waiting for a reason to do graduation cookies, and it was actually kind of hard to pick which one of her genius ideas to use.  you just take a simple square cutter and squish it to make it into a diamond, cut out a round cookie and put them together:

and then go to work.  i asked for specific details about the graduate's face, and here's what i ended up with:

i've also learned that if i want to make something sparkly, it's just easier to work on that detail first if possible.  any time i try to add the glitter afterwards, it usually ends up either not sticking or settling into the wrong areas.  SO annoying.  for a set of sofia the first-themed cookies, i wanted to make her magic amulet necklace using some of my purple sanding sugar.  so i piped out the teardrop shape, flooded it and added the sparkle right away.

while i waited for it to dry, i got to work on the dresses.

when i was all done, they looked like this:

they're fairly simple-ish, but i was happy with how they turned out.

i had a lot of fun playing with designs for little baptism gowns:

can i tell you how good a table covered in six dozen sugar cookies smells?  because it's like walking into a cloud of sugary heaven.  i wish i could bottle that scent, for real.

and to continue with the disney junior theme, i got to do some doc mcstuffins cookies, too.  these were super fun to work on, and i'm hoping to get another chance to make some more.

yellow and gray make for a really pretty gender neutral palette, don't you think?

oh, and check out my newest toys for mixing up frosting:

as if making cookies wasn't fun enough.  right??


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...