wan-na find something?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

reading is FUNdamental

it took a little extra effort to find a 5K for the month of june that wouldn't have us driving 30 miles at a crazy early time on a weekend morning.  not to mention, i was searching for a run with a finisher's medal, heh.  it wasn't easy, but i finally found one - the villa park library 5K, starting at villa park high school.

we arrived with plenty of time to check in and pick up our bibs - i could've picked them up the day before, but didn't feel like doing the drive.  and i figured a smallish run like this wouldn't be horribly crowded anyway.  i was right.

we didn't even bother to pick up goody bags or t-shirts for this run.  it's not like either of us really wear those shirts anyway - i'm just creating another stack to make another t-shirt quilt this winter.  the stack has grown and i'm pretty close to having enough to tackle that monster project again.  the bean wants one, too, and has a nice little stack of her own built up.

as we stood near the start and listened to the national anthem, i happened to notice this:

can you see it?  this lady totally bedazzled her running shoes with some major bling on the nike swoosh and around the back.  pretty snazzy.  i debated doing it with a pair of mine - maybe those fun minnie mouse run disney ones? - but quickly decided it'd be too much effort and they'd likely fall off anyway.  still, they were purty.

it was already a bright, sunny day, so i was grateful for the tree-lined streets that the route took us on.

not too long after that mile marker, we scampered down another residential street and made a u-turn at the halfway mark.  i was just a little bit ahead of the hub and waved happily at him on the other side.

yay, almost there!

i'm not a fan of slogans like this.  i think it's pretty assholish to ridicule someone else's workout - after all, any exercise takes effort.  i mean, do you really think yours is better than mine?  girl, please.

one of my favorite sights during any 5K.


i was still standing there catching my breath when the hub crossed the finish line.

it had gotten pretty hot under the already-blazing sun (at 8am!), so he wasn't in the mood for a fun picture until we made it back to the car and turned on the a/c.

i love that our medals say "reading."  haha!


  1. I'm with you on those snotty workout t's. I also don't like the "you just got chick'd" shirts, or anything similar. As long as people are off their ass and working out, who cares what else is happening?!

  2. You can totally negate that by wearing something with encouraging words yourself for the runners behind you!

  3. Mark your November race calendar for Be the Match Walk+Run in Long Beach (only 5K)

    Do it in memory of Allison Z! She never had her marrow transplant but she is still dear in many of our hearts.



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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...