wan-na find something?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

so you admit, you think you're really pretty

when my friend trish hit me up to do some cookies for her sweet baby girl's baptism, i knew it was the perfect time to bust out the airbrush again for another try.

also, here's baby a as she helps the bean fix her hair.  so stinking cute.  i can't stop laughing at their facial expressions.

so anyway, this is what five dozen-ish cookies looks like.  i figured out that it takes about four hours to get to this point:

i'd ordered some stencils from the cookie countess, who'd just launched her new website and had offered a great grand opening deal.  i selected some basic ones that i knew i'd use regularly, and here's the first one:

a little bit of pink airbrushing food color, and voila:

then i switched it up and tested out the chevron stencil.  i know most people are probably so over it, but it's still one of my favorite patterns.

trying to figure out how i wanted to do the handwritten decorative As was the hardest part of this process.

but i figured it out.

here's the final result, and they ended up looking really pretty (if i do say so myself).

that airbrush is going to be my best friend, i just know it.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...