wan-na find something?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

be a leader

the journey to girl scouting continues!

this time, it was my very first official leader meeting with the rest of my local troop heads.  it's a once a month gathering for my service unit, with a representative from the greater los angeles girl scouts' office present.  the agenda i'd received via e-mail asked everyone to wear pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month, and would you believe it - despite the fact that pink is my very favorite color, my closet is desperately lacking.  luckily, i managed to find something that would work.

i was a little nervous, but at least it wasn't hard to find:

inside, there were a bunch of chairs formed in a large circle and i wondered if we were going to do the girl scout friendship circle.  haha, i thought that was just for the girls, but i'd go along with whatever.  and i was kind of secretly stoked to find that i had my own official nametag already.

before the meeting started, i perused the wares around the room.  a large binder full of local activities caught my eye, as did the catalog of official girl scout gear.

there was a display of free craft supplies to take and share.  i couldn't help but smirk at the clippers patches that apparently couldn't even be given away.

and they were finishing off a collection of feminine hygiene supplies for a local home set up for female veterans and their kids.

the meeting was interesting and informative, and didn't last too terribly long.  they typically last for about an hour, although this one ran a little later because we got to listen to a guest speaker.  a representative from the home benefiting from the collection of supplies was present to give us more information about it, and it was interesting and touching to hear.

they do a raffle at every meeting for some little girl scouts trinkets, and this month it was pink scarves and a fluffy blanket.  i didn't win, but i still have a chance next month.

afterwards, my fellow leaders and i helped ourselves to the table of nuts and snacks.  we hadn't formed our troop in time for the fall product sale, but at least we could sample them so we'd know what we had for next year.  i highly recommend the tomato basic-seasoned peanuts.  SO GOOD.

our first parents' meeting is next week, and we got to take a peek at the room we'll be using.

if i thought i was nervous for this meeting, just wait for that one where i actually have to speak in front of people.  oh shit.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...