wan-na find something?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

free at last

after a long year full of countless hospital visits, various medical procedures, and attempts at rehab to get herself back to normal, the hub's beloved g-wan passed away yesterday.  she'd been laid up for a really long time, had a couple of close calls, and finally enough was enough.

she was always very kind to me, and treated the teen as family from the beginning.  there were always handwritten cards in the mail for both girls, often with a few dollars tucked in that would make me smile every time.  she and mr. g-wan were the kind of grandparents who took the hub and brother wan off on fun trips when they were little - they'd go on cruises, visit disney world, hang out at their cabin up in the mountains.  she could be gruff and a little grumpy at times, but she was always happy to welcome you to her home with a smile.  and the bean loved her and said a prayer for her every single night.

after looking through the archives, i've only confirmed what i already knew:  take photos with your loved ones.  even if you don't love being in front of a camera, suck it up for the two seconds it takes to snap a picture.  although i don't seem to have a single photo with g-wan, at least we have these:

bye for now, g-wan.  we're so happy that you're free from all the physical pain you endured over the last few years, and hey - say hi to the "other" g-wan for us, okay?  we love you both.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...