wan-na find something?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

help me brainstorm!

my friend delovely details alerted me yesterday to a new contest that disney is running right now.  the grand prize is a private midnight party at the haunted mansion and then an overnight stay at cinderella's castle...at disney world.

um, how fun would that be?

anyway, the reason she thought of me was because part of the contest revolves around posting photos of scary, spooky, disney-inspired desserts on twitter and instagram using the hashtag #disneysidecontest.  after perusing the rules, it looks like pretty much anything goes aside from referencing copyrighted disney music references.  i'm not really sure why allowing disney logos and images is cool but not music, but i guess they're separate entities?  maybe the songwriters all own the rights to the songs and allow disney to use them?  who knows.

so now i need to come up with some fun cookie design ideas that i can post.  i did do a set of cookies last week for a friend that could be my first submission:

help!  got any good ideas for me?


  1. P.S. If you go with my idea and win, I get a kick-back right??? ;)

    1. Umm my first comment isn't showing up...
      What if you do a sort of cookie diorama. Like the Haunted Mansion hitchhikers or the heads of the characters from Nightmare Before Christmas. Or Frankenweenie, Toy Story of Horrors (Terrors?), etc.

  2. A collection of Disney villain cookies? Or maybe scary versions of the Tikis from the Tiki room?

  3. Zombie versions of Disney Princesses? :P Or Nightmare Before Christmas, but I'm betting they'll get a lot of those.

  4. I tried posting before but it didn't show up....what about something more abstract like the poison apple from Snow White, the spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty, etc. that all of the "villians" are known for?


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...